Tubular Reed Sensors

Tubular Reed Sensors allow the smallest design of a sensor. In most cases, these sensors are clipped or glued into a holder. Of course, mains voltage variants, normally closed and changeover contacts are also available and designs can be realised completely according to customer specifications.

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Comparison table

Contact RatingW/VA5101010101010510510510510510505
Switching CurrentA0.350.
Switching Voltage DCVDC175150150150180180200175200175200175200175200175200200175
Switching Voltage ACVAC140120120120130130140120260120140120260120140120260250120
Pull In Range AvailableAW5 - 1510 - 2010 - 2010 - 2010 - 2510 - 2510 - 2515 - 3015 - 3015 - 3010 - 2515 - 3015 - 3015 - 3010 - 2515 - 3015 - 3025 - 4015 - 30
Operating Temperature°C-20 to +85-30 to +80-30 to +80-30 to +80-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85-20 to +85
Cable TypeUL 1685, AWG 30UL 1685, AWG 30UL 1061, AWG 26UL 1061, AWG 26UL 1061, AWG 26UL 1061, AWG 26UL 1007, AWG 24UL 1061, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1061, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1061, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24UL 1007/1569, AWG 24

Tubular Reed Sensor advantages

  • Ultra Miniature sizes
  • Mains voltage variants, normally closed and changeover contact available
  • Various magnetic sensitivity classes