Navigation : EXPO21XX > PROCESS INDUSTRY 21XX > H42: Oil & Gas > URACA

Business Profile

URA­CA have been de­vel­op­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing mo­tor-driv­en high pres­sure pumps for over 120 years. With­out doubt, URA­CA is one of the most im­por­tant and most ex­pe­ri­enced pi­oneers of this tech­nol­o­gy.

The small town of Bad Urach once pro­vid­ed the name for URA­CA – and we have re­mained true to this lo­ca­tion de­spite a high lev­el of in­ter­na­tio­n­al­iza­tion and ex­port ori­en­ta­tion. And with good rea­son. Not on­ly is the state of Ba­den-Wuert­tem­berg fa­mous as the home of many in­ven­tors. The re­gion is al­so known for its fo­cus on tech­nol­o­gy and the enor­mous sense of qual­i­ty of the peo­ple who live there. This al­so ap­plies to our over 330 high­ly qual­i­fied em­ploy­ees.

Qual­i­ty is our great­est good and as a conse­quence we re­ly on Ger­many as a pro­duc­tion lo­ca­tion and on an unu­su­al­ly high lev­el of ver­ti­cal in­te­gra­tion. Our en­gi­neers de­vel­op and de­sign sys­tems for man­u­fac­tur­ing, pro­duc­tion and clean­ing pro­cess­es on the high­est tech­ni­cal lev­el. Tra­di­tio­n­al val­ues such as qual­i­ty and re­li­a­bil­i­ty per­fect­ly com­ple­ment high tech­nol­o­gy and a for­ward-look­ing ap­proach.

The struc­ture of our busi­ness al­so re­flects this. As a flex­i­ble, in­de­pen­dent fam­i­ly com­pany we are just as re­li­able as our prod­ucts.

This makes URA­CA a re­li­able part­n­er for many gen­er­a­tions in ev­ery re­spect.