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Australian National University - CECS

Company Profile

Solar energy research at CECS World leading solar research and education takes place within three groups in the Research School of Engineering at the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science. Each distinct group focuses on particular areas of solar related technology. The group researches photovoltaic solar cells and concentrator solar thermal technologies. Activities include defect detection and surface passivation in silicon wafers; high performance silicon solar cells, including SLIVER solar cells; modelling; plasmons and nano PV technology; hybrid PV/thermal parabolic trough concentrator systems; and solar cooling. Research into solar energy technologies at CSES is aimed at increasing the uptake of environmentally benign solutions by making solar energy cheaper and the conversion process more efficient. Some of the research looks at new technologies and other research looks at news ways to increase the efficiency of existing technologies, much of this effort has lead to technology transfer to commercial solar energy projects. Our 50 researchers regularly present their state-of-the-art research for journal publication at national and international conferences. Beside that our activities include presentation of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as the supervision of PhD students.