Our advisors are ready to help you put together the right mixing solution for your receiving tank. It is important that the different types of biomass are mixed efficiently and quickly. You avoid problems with crust in the receiving tank and obtain a higher biogas production.
The biomass path through the biogas plant begins in the reception tank, where liquid slurry is mixed with solid biomasses to ensure a homogeneous mass before the subsequent digestion. If the biomass is not sufficiently homogenized in the reception tank, there is a great risk of the formation of crusts in all subsequent tanks – especially the primary reactor tank, where the main part of the biogas is produced.
A Landia chopper pump is often included in a mixing solution for reception tanks. It can, for example, be a combination with a traditional mixer and a chopper pump. The pumps knife system helps to break down larger particles. This makes the tank contents easier to mix, there is less risk of a crust and the subsequent biogas production is increased – all because of a better pre-treatment.
Landia’s chopper pumps are flexible and durable pumps that are used to pump different types of biomass between the tanks at the biogas plant.
Pumps are some of the most important mechanical components of a modern biogas plant. Whether it is pumping liquid slurry, collecting surface water, pumping between the various tanks, recycling through a heat exchanger, or the final delivery of the digested biomass, pumps play a key role.
Landias chopper pumps can be used anywhere in the biogas plant. The pump is simple, robust and easy to service. There are no fine tolerances that require adjustment after changing the impeller. This makes the pump much less sensitive to dry matter and sand, and it keeps the cost of operation and maintenance down.
When you contact Landia, you will talk to employees who know the industry – some even have a past in a biogas plant. You receive good advice and guidance from dedicated employees for whom satisfied customers are the be-all and end-all.
Landia GasMix is a digester mixing system where all components are located outside the tank. GasMix utilizes recirculation of the biogas to mix the contents in the reactor.
Effective mixing in the reactor tank is essential for the economy of your biogas plant. As the only supplier on the market, Landia can offer you the unique GasMix degester mixing system. GasMix utilizes biogas and biomass recycling to mix the contents of the reactor tank.The fact that all components of the GasMix system are located outside the reactor, offers several obvious advantages. All service on the system can be performed at the base of the tank. If the system fail unexpectedly, the biogas process continues, and it is never necessary to open or empty the tank – unlike most other types of mixers in reactor tanks.
In a collaboration with Aarhus University, more than 10% higher biogas production has been demonstrated compared with traditional mixing technology. In biomasses with a high fibre content, the fibres are split apart by the repeated recirculation through the GasMix digester mixing system – a function which is not achieved by traditional mixing of the reactor tank.
Landia has a solution for your mixing for all types of storage tanks – both with and without covers.
A biogas plant typically has several different storage tanks – biogas is produced in some and in others not. Landia has a solution for all types of storage tanks – and there is no need to turn, raise or anything else. The system is fully automatic.
The digested biomass is stored in the biogas plants storage tanks. Although the biomass in these tanks has a lower dry matter content and is more homogeneous after being in the reactor tank, good mixing is still necessary. Many storage tanks have a large volume and if the wrong mixing solution is chosen, there is a risk of a crust – especially in biogas plants where many fibres are used, e.g., deep bedding.
Landia’s BioChop hygienisation system is a high-quality solution constructed from simple and reliable components.
It is possible to use by-products such as abattoir waste and other types of waste from the food industry if it is hygienised for one hour at 70°C. Landia BioChop is a high-quality hygienisation system built with simple and reliable components, which ensures the correct treatment of the by-products.
The tank is encased in a heating jacket which, by means of circulating hot water, takes care of heating the tank. Therefore, there is no need for an external heat exchanger or other sources of heating. In other words, the hygienisation system is simple and compact, and it is ready for use upon delivery.
Landia BioChop Hygienisation is delivered complete with control for adjustment, monitoring and recording the entire hygienisation process.
Many different types of waste products can be extensively recycled in biogas plants. It requires the right pumps and mixers in the right materials – Landia can offer you a customized solution that suits your needs.
Waste or by-products from households, restaurants and commercial kitchens are a resource in themselves and are widely used for biogas production. It places high demands on the mechanical components of the biogas plant.
Landia has a complete product line of acidproof pumps and mixers that are targeted at waste-to-energy.
The products are adapted to the current task and corrosion, pH value, temperature and abrasive particles such as sand are considered.
Landia develops the best solution for your needs, whether they are mixers or pumps for pulp from food waste, biomass from source-sorted household waste, abattoir waste and waste from the food industry in general.
When you contact Landia, you will talk to employees who know the industry
– some even have a past in a biogas plant.
You get good advice and guidance from dedicated employees for whom satisfied customers are the be-all and end-all.
With a channel mixer from Landia, you are guaranteed homogeneous slurry without sediment or crusts in a loose-housing system stall.
With an efficient mixing process, you are sure to get homogeneous slurry. This is done by the slurry, straw and feed residues first falling into the channel under the slatted floor. The channel mixer, located in a basin outside the barn, is controlled by a timed clock. Then the slurry mixer creates a powerful tidal wave that flushes through the channel, and in a few minutes the mixer creates a homogeneous slurry without sediment or crust.
All the slurry must pass through the flow ring on the channel mixer. This means that it gets mixed very well and becomes homogeneous. This makes the slurry easy to handle and pump on to the storage tank. Slurry handling is efficient and simple without the use of man-hours.
The daily mixing ensures that the slurry is always homogeneous and therefore easy to pump to the storage tank.
Sandy slurry wears on pumps and mixers. With Landias products, you are guaranteed a long life and effective treatment of the slurry.
Sand is often used as a base in bed stalls, but it produces a sandy slurry that causes increased wear on pumps and mixers. Landia has developed several pumps and mixers, which are made of durable materials. Therefore, they have a significantly longer service life compared to other manufacturers. To further reduce wear, we recommend that you use automatic control with a level sensor. It keeps operating hours to an absolute minimum. If the slurry is to be pumped far or through an increase in terrain upslope, then a pump can be inserted as a booster pump.
• Special hardening of wearing parts prolongs the life of the pump and mixer.
• Automatic control means fewer operating hours on pumps and mixers and so less wear.
• Many excellent experiences with handling sand slurry.
• Increased welfare for cows.
Get the best possible mixing of feed and storage tanks with Landia’s range of mixers. This applies to both open tanks, tanks with decks, or covers.
When you need to ensure that the contents of the storage tank become homogeneous for taking out to the field, it is necessary to first mix the contents so that the sediment and crust are thoroughly mixed with the thin liquid part of the slurry. Mixing can be done with a tractor mixer, but it is easier and more efficient with a Landia mixer, especially if the tank is covered. Landia offers a wide range of mixers, mounting brackets and lifts to suit all tank types and sizes, both with and without covers.
• It is easy to start mixing. Just press the start button.
• It saves a significant amount of energy compared to tractor mixers.
• No risk of damaging the cover when starting the mixer.
• It is a more economical and long-term solution.
With a submersible pump from Landia, you get safe collection and recycling of water from the milking parlour.
There are great benefits to collecting the water from the milking barn. The washing water from cleaning the milking system is collected in a tank under the floor. From the tank, the washing water is later reused for flushing the collection site using a submersible pump connected to flushing valves in the floor. The washing water from the collection site is then collected and pumped to a storage tank.
Effective cleaning of the collection site in a short time
It gives more time for operation.
With a dry-installed pump in a PE pump well from Landia, you get extra speed when sluicing slurry.
In barns with vacuum systems, the slurry is released when plugs are lifted in the barn. The slurry flows directly into the pump, which is installed at the bottom of a buried PE pump well. The pump in the well is started as needed. When the pump is running, a negative pressure is formed in the main pipe under the troughs in the barn.
The slurry that is in the pipe and the sumps is sucked out and pumped on to the storage tank. By choosing a solution with automatic stop, unnecessary wear is avoided while saving time. If the slurry is to be pumped far or through an increase in terrain upslope, then using a high-pressure pump in the dry well may be a favourable solution.
The pre-cast pump well in PE is used instead of a reception tank. It can also be used as a well for increasing pressure when pumping slurry over long distances and/or through an increase in terrain upslope. The well can be supplied in several sizes ready for use with the desired pump and suitable damper, pipe socket and lid. The pre-cast PE pump well is completely sealed and fitted with valves at inlet and outlet, lid, vent and bottom plate so that it stays in the ground in case of a rise in groundwater.
• Increases the vacuum effect, faster sluicing, which means that the entire basin is emptied.
• PE pump well instead of a reception tank reduces odour nuisances.
• Comes as plug and play and just needs to be connected to the inlet and outlet pipes.
• Protected against a rise in groundwater so that the pump does not drown.
• The pump is easy to service in a PE pump well.
Landias pumps pump surface water to a sprinkler or to a storage tank.
Due to requirements from the authorities, surface water is collected at silage pits and the like. It is then often pumped or directly to the storage tank and can be used as water for the flushing collection site.
The knife system in our pumps means that residues from silage and other things are cut and so it is not a problem to pump.
We supply a high-pressure pump that matches the requirements for nozzle pressure on sprinkler systems.
Get efficient slurry handling to reception tanks with a slurry pump and mixer from Landia.
When you choose a solution with a reception tank, you get a system where the slurry flows out into the tank or to a cross channel, which in turn is connected to a reception tank outside the barn. The transversal channel is emptied easily and efficiently by backflushing by pumping thin slurry from the reception tank to the farthest end of the transversal channel, which is thereby flushed clean. In the reception tank, we offer three different solutions for mixing and pumping on to the storage tank:
• Mixer and submersible pump
• Mixer and long shaft pump
• Long shaft pump with manual bottom mixer
Mixing and emptying of the reception tank can be started both manually and automatically. With an automatic solution, unnecessary wear is avoided, and time is saved.
If the slurry is to be pumped far or through an increase in terrain upslope, then we recommend a high-pressure pump.
The manual bottom mixer on the pump or mixer ensures that the slurry is homogeneous. Homogeneous slurry is easier to pump. If combined with automatic control, it means that the farmer does not have to spend unnecessary time at the reception tank and can spend their time in the barn instead.
If you use a lot of straw in the barns, you need an effective slurry management system that prevents clogging. Landia provides efficient pumping and automatic control.
The most used system in pig pens is vacuum (drag and drop). The amount of straw that can be used in this system is limited without any problems with emptying the troughs under the slats. Especially in older pens with 250 mm slurry pipes, straw will build up in the system during sluicing and cause problems. When straw consumption increases, the slurry pumps will often work overtime. The pumps will typically stop, and it is difficult to get the slurry out of the pen.
By installing the right pump, which can increase the vacuum power, the problem is solved. In newer pens with 315 mm slurry pipes, more straw can be used. How much depends entirely on the type of straw, how often it is drained, how much is washed and the number of pigs in the pen. However, here it is possible to mount a pump directly on the slurry pipe from the barn: it can increase the vacuum effect when sluicing takes place and alleviate many problems. A complete solution with a pump and PE pump well is easy and there is no need to invest in a reception tank.
In several newer welfare stalls, there is line play in the slurry channels, which is required when larger amounts of straw are used. Here, slurry and straw are scraped into the reception tank. Most often it is supplied in a transverse channel, where backflushing takes place. When more straw comes into the reception tank, mixing will often be required. We recommend placing a mixer and a pump with a knife system in the reception tank. To solve problems with incorrect slurry handling and a high time consumption, automatic control can be an excellent solution. It even handles mixing and over-pumping at the right time. It provides less wear on the pump and mixers at the same time as there is also a great time saving and an easier transition for new employees who need to be trained in the farms slurry handling when everything is running automatically. Landia supplies slurry pumps, all with a knife system, mixer, electric controls and wells.
Do you need to transport slurry over longer distances? Landia ensures you an easy and efficient pumping system for slurry transport underground.
There is often debate about slurry transports in traffic, which, in addition to creating traffic jams on the road, often also creates dissatisfaction due to odour nuisances. These problems can be reduced by pumping slurry into buried pipes instead. It is a good business for farmers and the investment can be recouped in a few years, after which it is pure profit.
The solution is effective for distances over several kilometres and with inclines up to 50 metres. At the same time, the solution to pump the slurry into the ground instead of driving with it is both cheaper and easier.
• No large slurry transports on the road.
• It can take place at any time of the day without disturbing neighbours.
• Less cost compared to transporting slurry in a lorry or slurry tanker.
• It is the environmentally friendly solution.
Get the best possible mixing of feed and storage tanks with Landias range of mixers. This applies to both open tanks, tanks with decks, or covers.
When you need to ensure that the contents of the storage tank become homogeneous for taking out to the field, it is necessary to first mix the contents so that the sediment and crust are thoroughly mixed with the thin liquid part of the slurry. Mixing can be done with a tractor mixer, but it is easier and more efficient with a Landia mixer, especially if the tank is covered. Landia offers a wide range of mixers, mounting brackets and lifts to suit all tank types and sizes, both with and without covers.
• It is easy to start mixing. Just press the start button.
• It saves a significant amount of energy compared to tractor mixers.
• No risk of damaging the cover when starting the mixer.
• It is a more economical and long-term solution.
With a built-in mixer and submersible pump from Landia, you get the best feed mixing before it is pumped into the wet feed tank.
When feeding with by-products from the food industry (e.g., bread, cake or mash), the feed must be mixed to a homogeneous mass before it can be pumped into the barn. The mixing can be done easily and efficiently in a buried tank with a built-in mixer and submersible pump. We recommend that all machine parts for feed mixing are made of stainless, acidproof steel or with 2-component epoxy coating, as some of the alternative feed materials are quite corrosive.
Cheap residual products can be purchased, which can be used as alternative feed for pigs.
We can supply our products in stainless or acidproof material for long durability in the corrosive environ .
Get the optimal use of energy consumption in your sewage treatment plant with efficient mixing of aeration tanks.
With a mixer from Landia, aeration tanks are mixed by creating a horizontal flow in the wastewater. The water is moved around the tank at a predetermined velocity. This ensures the best oxygen transfer and prevents the sludge from settling.
In this process, a large part of the total energy consumption is taken up, so at Landia our focus is on optimizing this.
Landia supplied the first mixers for aeration tanks in the late 1980s. Constant follow-up, testing and development has meant that we have kept up with the times and today can offer energy-efficient mixing combined with a lifetime beyond the usual – something we are of course willing to guarantee!
With a mixing solution from Landia, a quick mixing of incoming wastewater is ensured, and thereby the least possible change in the biological conditions of the tank. Landia has a wide range of different types and sizes of mixers and can therefore tailor the optimal mixing solution to your particular system. Of course, with consideration for the lowest possible energy consumption and a complete mixing of the tank contents.
The energy consumption for mixing plays a major role in the process at a sewage treatment plant. This is something Landia has always focused on, which is completely natural for a Danish company.
Landia has a wide range of different types and sizes of mixers and can therefore tailor the optimal mixing solution to the specific task of your plant.
More than 40 years with solutions for mixing sludge in sewage treatment plants.
Reception, digestion and drainage of sludge play a vital role in a sewage treatment plant. The constant development of sludge drainage technologies places great demands on the mixers. Landia has a wide range of equipment for mixing wastewater sludge. Whether it is a septic sludge receiving tank containing large amounts of threads and foreign bodies, or a high viscosity polymer dewatered storage tank, we have the products to do the job.
If the sludge causes bothersome odours, a combined mixing and aeration solution in the form of a Landia AirJet ejector pump may be the solution.
Landia has a wide range of different types and sizes of mixers and can therefore tailor the optimal mixing solution to your particular system.
Landia supplied the first mixers for sewage treatment plants in the late 1980s. There are many Landia mixers at sewage treatment plants around the world who have passed the 25-year mark – some even 30. Now thats truly sustainability!
Constant follow-up, testing and development has meant that we have kept up with the times and today can offer energy-efficient mixing combined with a lifetime beyond the usual – something we are of course willing to guarantee!
Landia can offer durable pumping solutions for pumping all types of sludge.
Problem-free pumping of sludge is important for the proper operation of a wastewater treatment plant. Often different types of positive displacement pumps are used for this task. They are capable of pumping highly viscous liquids such as sludge at high pressure but are often expensive to maintain and troublesome to service.
An excellent alternative is Landias chopper pump. The pump is simple, robust and easy to service. There are no fine tolerances that require adjustment after changing the impeller. This makes the pump much less sensitive to dry matter and sand, and it keeps the cost of operation and maintenance down. And then it is also a chopper pump, and you are insured against blockages due to threads and other things in the sludge.
Did you know that positive displacement pumps can often be replaced with Landias centrifugal pumps?
Most positive displacement pumps are expensive to maintain and troublesome to service. A Landia pump is much less sensitive to the abrasive particles and stringy materials that are often found in sludge. And the wear parts are much less costly and faster to replace, compared to rotary lobe pumps and progressive cavity pumps.
The Landia AirJet is an ejector aerator that works by automatically sucking the air into the ejector and subsequently mixing it with the wastewater during combined mixing and aeration.
The AirJet consists in all its simplicity of a chopper pump that has been fitted with an ejector system. Compared to most other aeration systems, the AirJet is extremely easy to install and control. There is no need for compressors, bottom-mounted diffusers and advanced controls.
The Landia AirJet can be installed in both existing and new tanks. In some cases, there is no need to empty the tank before the system is installed. The AirJet is available in a submersible version as dry-installed and floating mounted on a pontoon.
With the Landia AirJet you get a simple and efficient aeration system. It can be your actual source of aeration, to counteract bothersome odours, and additional aeration at peak loads or as a replacement for worn-out rotor or surface aerators.
The AirJet is ideal for heavily polluted wastewater and, since the system does not stop, the aerator has a constant efficiency – unlike most other types of aeration.
The Landia’s chopper pumps break down impurities before they are pumped further into the system and therefore act as a problem solver in pumping stations.
There are very few wastewater pumps on the market that can handle the many disposable cloths, wet wipes, nappies, leftover clothes and other foreign bodies that end in the sewer and so the wastewater, and it is never convenient when a pump alarm kicks in.
Landias series of chopper pumps are fitted with an efficient knife system at the pump inlet. The pump chops impurities before they are pumped further into the system and a Landia chopper pump is a permanent solution to solve problems with clogged pumps.
A Landia chopper pump can be adapted to the installation equipment of most other pump manufacturers, so it is both quick and simple to upgrade your pumping station with a Landia chopper pump. Regardless of pump performance and installation conditions, you get a tailor-made pump solution for the specific task.
If it is not possible to replace your existing pump with a Landia pump, there is also a solution: Landia Eradigator is a chopper pump that recycles the contents of the pump station, breaks down impurities and crusts and counteracts clogging of your existing pump. Installed in no time and just needs to be connected to power.
Efficient and gentle mixing in MBBR reactors
The MBBR process consists of a carrier media, so-called carriers or biomedia, which are small plastic elements on which the biofilm can grow. The carrier media must be in contact with the wastewater, so mixing is necessary.
Landia has 25 years of experience with mixing in MBBR processes and has a wealth of experience. It is important that the carrier media is mixed as efficiently and gently as possible. Gentle means that the impact from the mixer is as small as possible, as harsh treatment can cause damage to the plastic elements.
The contact between the carrier media and the propeller creates friction and so potential wear. Landia BioMover mixers for MBBR all have a low propeller tip speed of between 3 and 8 m/s, and they so they provide optimal protection of the plastic elements.
All Landia propellers are made of stainless steel with a material thickness of 6-8 mm. They have proven to be virtually impossible to wear out in MBBR applications – unlike certain other types of propeller material.
Landia produces and supplies solutions for pumping, mixing and aerating all types of wastewater from the food industry.
Whether you need pumping, mixing or aeration of your wastewater, Landia has a solution for you. This also applies if the wastewater contains major impurities, is viscous, abrasive or aggressive.
Most food industries produce wastewater in larger or smaller quantities. Wastewater is in itself a waste product that must not take focus and time away from production, so it is important to work with the right partners. All out production is carried out in Denmark, which means that you can get immediate help if you need it.
Landia produces and supplies solutions for pumping, mixing and aerating all types of industrial wastewater.
If you have wastewater that needs to be pumped, mixed or aerated, Landia almost certainly has a solution that can help you. A large and flexible range means that a solution can be tailored to suit your specific needs.
Landias products are used, among other things, in paper mills, dairies, abattoirs, in manufacturers of insulation and in chemical and petrochemical plants.
Landia is a Danish product! We are not a distributor who imports products from abroad – we manufacture EVERYTHING at our factory in Lem. So, in the unlikely event you need help, we are always available to assist you.
Most pumps are not designed to handle larger foreign bodies, viscous, abrasive or aggressive media – Landia pumps are.
Landia chopper pumps are fitted with an efficient knife system at the pump inlet. The knife system breaks down larger particles before they are pumped further into the system.
Landias pumps are also suitable for pumping highly viscous liquids. Did you know that many types of displacement pumps can be replaced with Landia pumps?
The pump is simple, robust and easy to service. There are no fine tolerances that require adjustment after changing the impeller. This makes the pump much less sensitive to dry matter and sand, and it keeps the cost of operation and maintenance down. And then it is also a chopper pump, and you are insured against the pump clogging.
A Landia chopper pump can be adapted to fit equipment from most other pump manufacturers, so it is both quick and simple to upgrade to a Landia chopper pump. Regardless of pump performance and installation conditions, you get a tailor-made pump solution for the specific task.
Landia offers a wide range of pump and mixing solutions for handling residual products from abattoirs, the fishing industry, wastewater from dairies, vegetable production and much more.
All food industries have residual products in larger or smaller quantities. Certain residues, or by-products, can actually be disposed of in an environmentally friendly, and for the company, a financially attractive way – typically for use in biogas plants. This requires good and reliable pumps, so it will be easy and convenient for you. Landia can offer you a wide range of pump and mixing solutions for handling your residual products, whether it is abattoir waste, cuttings from fish production, wastewater from dairies, or vegetable production and much more. We also have the technology to produce silage from your fish waste.
Landia is a Danish product! We are not a distributor who imports products from abroad – we manufacture EVERYTHING at our factory in Lem. So, in the unlikely event you need help, we are always available to assist you.
Many different types of waste products can be extensively recycled in biogas plants. It requires the right pumps and mixers in the right materials – Landia can offer you a customized solution that suits your needs.
Waste or by-products from households, restaurants and commercial kitchens are a resource in themselves and are widely used for biogas production. It places high demands on the mechanical components of the biogas plant.
Landia has a complete product line of acidproof pumps and mixers that are targeted at waste-to-energy.
The products are adapted to the current task and corrosion, pH value, temperature and abrasive particles such as sand are considered.
Landia develops the best solution for your needs, whether they are mixers or pumps for pulp from food waste, biomass from source-sorted household waste, abattoir waste and waste from the food industry in general.
When you contact Landia, you will talk to employees who know the industry
– some even have a past in a biogas plant.
You get good advice and guidance from dedicated employees for whom satisfied customers are the be-all and end-all.
Landia produces and delivers customized pumping solutions for handling dead fish and by-products from the fish industry.
The way in which the raw materials are treated during the silage process is extremely critical to ensuring the quality and so the value of the finished silage. The pumps in a Landia BioChop silage system are Landia chopper pumps, which with their high capacity ensures you product top quality fish silage.
One of the most important parameters in our production is longevity. Therefore, all components that come in contact with silage are made of strong acidproof material. This also applies to the pumps.
We are ready with solutions that suit your needs and take care of the entire silage process.
• Landia silage products
• Complete production tanks
• Storage tanks
• Pumps for production, transport and mixing
• Mixer for production and mixing
Landia supplies quality equipment for the production of fish silage from smolt plants and emergency boats. Our key component in these systems is the Landia chopper pump.
Landias chopper pump is used both for fish silage and on fish farms. It is effective for, among other things, pumping sludge, floor water, wastewater and groundwater. The operating conditions are often difficult, and we therefore offer to supply the pumps in solid acidproof steel or fitted with zinc anodes to provide the highest possible protection against corrosion.
Landia mixers are used for mixing silage, sludge, and reducing sedimentation in buffer tanks after filters and blood water tanks. In addition, Landias mixers can be used in many production tanks of silage on ships, emergency tanks and at abattoirs for optimizing silage capacity. We can also supply the mixers made from acidproof steel.
Efficient and gentle mixing in MBBR reactors.
The MBBR process consists of a carrier media, so-called carriers or biomedia, which are small plastic elements on which the biofilm can grow. The carrier media must be in contact with the wastewater, so mixing is necessary.
Landia has 25 years of experience with mixing in MBBR processes and has a wealth of experience. It is important that the carrier media is mixed as efficiently and gently as possible. Gentle means that the impact from the mixer is as small as possible, as harsh treatment can cause damage to the plastic elements.
The contact between the carrier media and the propeller creates friction and so potential wear. Landia BioMover mixers for MBBR all have a low propeller tip speed of between 3 and 8 m/s, and they so they provide optimal protection of the plastic elements.
All Landia propellers are made of stainless steel with a material thickness of 6-8 mm. They have proven to be virtually impossible to wear out in MBBR applications – unlike certain other types of propeller material.
With Landias blockage-free pumps, you avoid cleaning clogged pumps on the factory deck. This also applies to other places on the ship, where, for example, fish remains end up in the bilge well.
With a Landia bilge pump, you save both time and money, as the durability is significantly longer than an average pump. To further improve durability, we can supply the pump in acidproof steel or with a zinc anode if you wish.
All Landia pumps are fitted with an efficient knife system at the pump inlet and are in principle clog-free. This means that you can spend your time on what is most important – fishing.
Landias pumps are blockage-free and are used, among other things, for pumping sludge, floor water, wastewater and groundwater and more.
The operating conditions in the fishing industry are often difficult and wear hard on the pumps. That is why we offer to supply the pumps in solid acidproof steel. To provide the highest possible protection against corrosion, we can also fit the pump with zinc anodes.
All Landia pumps are fitted with an efficient knife system at the pump inlet and are in principle clog-free. This means that you can spend time on what is most important – namely daily operation.