- Offer Profile
- Material handling and
recycling technology from FHF (previously Horstmann) has set standards
worldwide. Technological experience of over more than 50 years speaks for
itself. For more than 20 years, in addition to the proven manufacturing and
design group, our factory in Poland, FHF Technika Sp. z.o.o. has been
available to our customers.
As a supplier of materials handling and recycling technology components, FHF
Anlagentechnik GmbH has established itself as a partner for well-known plant
builders. In addition, our customers rely on our experience in the area of
plant modifications and extensions.
Benefit from our experience!
Product Portfolio

Recycling plants
- FHF recycling plants are the result of perfect
planning, exactly tailored to your requirements. FHF offers solutions for
the recycling of lightweight packaging, cardboard packaging, household waste
and bulky waste. In addition, FHF builds treatment plants for the treatment
of wood and alternative fuels.

Lightweight packaging (LWP)
FHF produces operation-ready systems for the sorting of lightweight
packaging (LWP). The individual fractions of dual systems (for example the
German “Grüner Punkt – Gelber Sack”) can be recovered with these systems.
The systems are adapted to the relevant requirements of recycling companies
and the „Duale System“ (Germany), and can reach a very high degree of
automation. They strive towards the goal of sorting as much mixed material
as possible into pure separated materials, so that these can be routed for
further recovery.
Systems for sorting of lightweight packaging can also separate different
material types from eachother, for example composite packaging (e.g.
Tetrapak), plastics (films, PP, PE, PET etc.) and waste remnants (for energy
Material to be processed
Household-related lightweight packaging
- Fe – metals
- NF (non-ferrous) metals
- composite packaging (e.g. Tetrapak)
- plastics (films, PP, PE, PET etc.)
- waste remnants (for energy recovery)

Paper and cardboard
FHF produces operation-ready systems for the sorting of paper and
cardboard (PPC).
These systems are designed to create a high grade de-inking fraction from
mixed paper sourced from household waste collection. The systems are adapted
to the special requirements of recycling companies and can reach a high
degree of automation.
The aim is to produce de-inking material and paper which is as clean as
possible, which can then be added as valuable raw materials in paper mills
within the production process.
Material to be processed
Household-related lightweight mixed paper
- De-inking material
- cardboards
- mixed paper
- waste materials

Refuse Derived Fuel Treatment (RDF)
RDF stands for Refuse Derived Fuel. These are produced by using
remaining waste refuse materials, which cannot be separated further (e.g.
mixed plastics or paper). RDF can be produced with differing heating values
and particle sizes.
How is RDF manufactured?
1. First, the automatic selection between combustible and
non-combustible materials is carried out.
2. High-calorific substances are maximised.
3. The particles are created in the required size.

Mixed Solid Waste (MSW)
How is household waste sorted?
First, the MSW is roughly sorted. This is done manually, using grab dredgers
and by hand contaminants and bulky waste (e.g. carpets, large wooden items,
lumps of concrete, solid metal pieces and similar) are removed and placed in
the designated collection containers.
Then, the pre-sorted household waste is loaded onto the feed belt using a
grab dredger. This feed belt takes the refuse to the sorting cabin where
impurities and glass are removed to two work areas. From the sorting belt of
the pre-sorting, the material goes to the bag opening unit. The bag opening
unit opens the household refuse bags and forwards the loosened waste. The
waste goes to the drum screen by conveyor belt.
The fine fraction, < 80mm, is sieved out in the drum screen This is mainly
organic remnants, the fraction 80 – 250 mm and the fraction > 250 mm.

Mixed construction waste / bulky waste (C&I)
This waste can be considered to be a mixture of mineral and non-mineral
waste, for example a mixture of films, metal, wood, cables, packaging
materials, glass, card, paper or plastics. The mineral waste materials
comprise for example tiles, floor tiles, stones or concrete.
Special waste, for example paints and varnishes are excluded, or must be
sorted beforehand.
The non-recyclable materials can be separated manually or automatically from
the construction waste materials, with the recyclable fractions being
separated and added back to the cycle. The advantages for treatment are
- Protection from legacy waste.
- Protection of landfill sites
- High quality recyclable products
Treatment of mixed construction waste using robust sorting systems from FHF
FHF will supply you with part- and fully-automated systems with the most modern machine technology. We pursue economic concepts with the best product quality and the highest availabilities. Please contact us – we would be happy to advise you.

Recycling wood treatment
FHF provides a multitude of innovative technical solutions for the treatment
of wood for material and energy recovery.
A comprehensive packages of services from system design, through to project
management, working closely together with our customers, all the way through
to manufacturing, assembly and commissioning. All from a single source and
to the highest quality standards thanks to our first-class, flexible and
highly motivated specialist teams.
For example, plants consisting of:- Pre-shredding
- Metal separation
- Post-shredding
- Transport belts, chain conveyors, screw conveyors
- Screening
- Separation
- Storage systems
We have the right solution for all of your treatment requirements.

Container composting
With the container composting systems, FHF offers a modern process for the
proper composting of native organic components of waste accruals.
By technical means, the procedure optimises the process which would
otherwise take place biologically in nature. This allows the individual
phases of the rotting process to be shortened substantially. The process
control is computer-aided and runs without personnel.
The modular system design allows system throughputs of 3,000 – 24,000 tonnes
per year. The structure is very well suited to changing throughputs and
operational areas. For small volumes up to 3,000 t/year, a mobile compact
unit can be provided.
We have the right solution for all of your treatment requirements

- FHF offers components suitable for recycling
infrastructure: Drum screens, kinematic separators, air separators, dosing
units and container-filling stations are manufactured. For materials
handling, FHF provides belt conveyors, trough conveyors, sliding belt
conveyors, chain conveyors and steel plate conveyors.
Sieve drum
- The FHF sieve drum separates the material fed in into
different particle sizes. The different properties of the recycling
materials, different separation sizes and throughputs determine the size of
the drum screens and their screen perforations. The exchangeable screen
plates are supplied with round or rectangular perforations, and depending on
the type of refuse, with or without winding protection.
A maximum of 4 sieve stages can be provided. Optionally, mixers,
accelerators, stoppers or bag openers can be screwed into the drum screen
body, to influence the material being screened. The drum screen body has
machined bearing surfaces. The wheels, which have vulcanised Tractothane
linings ensure good power transmission. The strong support design, made of
profile steel is manufactured according to the requirements, the same
applies to all chutes and funnels. Kinematic separator
With the FHF kinematic separators, bulk solids from a wide range of
applications are separated into heavy, light and fine fractions. The refuse
is fed into the specially equipped machine via a conveyor system. In the
separator casing, the product falls onto an adjustable tilt surface, the
screen floor. This divided, movable and perforated surface transports the
material flow – depending on the specific weight and shape – up or down the
The heavy parts of the bulk solid, the heavy fraction, slide down to the
lower end section of the screen floor. The light fraction – card, paper and
film – is transported to the top end section of the surface by the movement
of the screen plates, assisted by air flow. The third fraction results from
the perforated surface. The screen units of this surface are easily
exchanged and due to their geometry, determine the proportion of the
screened fractions. Using the angle adjustment of the machine, the
proportion of light and heavy fractions can be tuned to the bulk solid.
Depending on the application the separator may be equipped with anything
from manual up to fully automatic adjustment. An efficient gear motor
mounted on the side, outside the machine housing, drives the screen floor
crankshaft via a coupling, and thus moves the screen units offset to
Material separation “on the fly”
The advantages of the FHF kinematic separator are obvious:- efficient
separation into light, heavy and screen fractions
- 5 sizes, S to XXL
- Air support as standard
- Low maintenance and durable
Bow belt separator
FHF bow belt separators are primarily used for separating a material stream
into light and heavy fractions. They are mainly used in household and
commercial waste processing plants as well as in plants for treatment of
lightweight packaging materials.
Fractions such as films and paper, as well as other materials with low
specific weight, are separated effectively in this way from heavy materials
contained in the waste stream.
The input material is carried past an air jet which blows light materials
capable of flight into a settling room. The angle of the air jet can be
adjusted to vary the blowing angle. Here, the light materials may settle due
to the lower air velocity and can be transported away on a conveyor belt.
To further optimise the degree of separation, there is a curved conveyor
belt behind the air jet, the so-called air belt. The air belt is adjustable
in 3 axes, so that further materials can be separated using this function
which can be allocated to the light fraction. All remaining heavy materials
then end up on a removal belt in the lower part of the air belt separator.
Since the air belt separator mostly employs air recirculation, dust
emissions are virtually eliminated. Air containing dust is removed using an
automatically cleaning filter and usually routed to the light fraction. Materials handling equipment
- FHF provides various solutions for materials handling
for recycling components: Belt conveyors, trough conveyors, sliding belt
conveyors, chain conveyors and slat conveyors.

Belt conveyors
The FHF belt storage conveyor Type PA is a storage belt and conveyor
belt. It is used as an intermediate store for sorted recyclables.
Multiple Storage conveyor belts are usually located under sorting
platforms, where the individual recyclables are added either manually or
by conveyor belts.
Depending on the requirements and space constraints, the volume (length,
width, height) and/or conveyor power are set. At the delivery end, an
electrically driven, folding and lockable store gate is mounted. This
means that recyclables can be moved in cyclic duty up to the gate, to
allow the material volume to be matched to the storage volume.
The strong, torsion-resistant frame is manufactured from angle steel with
welded cross-profiles. The storage conveyor belt is designed as a sliding
belt conveyor. Optionally, for high loads, it can be designed with roller

Chain belt conveyor
The FHF chain belt conveyor type PK-112 is a conveyor with loading and
elevator section in one. This conveyor is almost always used as a press feed
The conveyor is also suitable as a deposit store (for dry recyclables) as
well as removal belt after the recyclables boxes. FHF has successfully
manufactured these conveyors more than 500 times for satisfied customers.
These conveyors are known for their reliability and long life. The chain
conveyor belt is always designed and manufactured to customer requirements.
The strong framework is folded in sheet and manufactured with screwed
cross-members. Due to the screwed frame segments, the conveyor can be
extended / shortened quickly. Traverses are screwed to both chain strands,
to which the belt with the dogs is screwed. The easy to remove screwed
cladding plates (side and bottom) enable fast maintenance.

The FHF plate belt type PB-224 is a conveyor for very heavy materials
such as bulky waste, building waste, stone waste or road debris.
This heavy conveyor is mostly used as a feed belt for crushers. Both
revolving chain strands with flange rollers are connected via a
quick-release axle, which in turn Steel plates connected like a hinge. Dog
heights up to 160mm allow large volumes of material, if the conveyor is
designed as horizontal and elevator in one (with joints).
All cladding can be removed quickly and therefore allows good access for
maintenance and cleaning purposes.

Troughed belt conveyors type MGF
- The FHF troughed belt conveyor type MGF is our
universal troughed belt conveyor, and has multiple applications. This
conveyor belt has a trough angle of 15° and is designed as both a sliding
belt as well a rolling removal conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is equally
suited for the transport of various bulk solids, as well as household waste
etc. Due to the compact dimensions this type of conveyor belt is
exceptionally well suited to tight space constraints. For this reason, the
under-belt cover is made of tarpaulins, which are available in various
Different lengths can be implemented very quickly by using the proven
segment design. The strong framework is folded in sheet and manufactured
with screwed cross-members.

Troughed belt conveyors type U140
- FHF troughed belt conveyors type U140 are used
primarily for the transport of recyclables, compost or other bulk solids.
This type of conveyor belt is robust and of simple design, so that parts can
be exchanged quickly during repair and maintenance works. Trough angles of
30° or 10° can be chosen.
The strong framework is folded in sheet and manufactured with screwed
cross-members. Through the segment design, different lengths can be created
quickly. The safety devices which can be removed simply and quickly make
cleaning and maintenance works easier.

Sliding belt conveyor type PL225 / PL325
- FHF sliding belt conveyors type PL are used for
the transport of pre-sorted, recyclables with reasonable weight, e.g. those
from the yellow bag. This proven type of conveyor belt is also suited to the
transport of paper, card.
The strong frame is manufactured from angle steel with welded
cross-profiles. Through the segment design, different lengths can be created
quickly. The type PL-225 is designed for flat belts, the type PL-325 for
T-cleat belts.
The sliding surface / upper run is horizontal, and does not have a trough
angle. Chutes, funnels and hatches of the conveyor are provided according to
the requirements.

Sliding belt conveyor type PLL
- The FHF sliding belt conveyor type PLL is a small
light sliding belt conveyor for transporting pre-sorted light recyclables.
e.g. from the “yellow” bag. We have built this conveyor several 100 times
for our satisfied customers. This conveyor is notable for its compact
construction (frame height 125mm + side rails 200mm). The belt can be fitted
with an optional lower belt tensioning station for length compensation, and
/ or with a centre drive. This guarantees a constant distance between axles.
By using plastic belts, a small pulley diameter can be selected. Also, due
to the segment design, different lengths can be created quickly.
The sliding surface / upper run is horizontal, and does not have a trough
angle. Chutes, funnels and hatches of the conveyor are provided according to
the requirements.
Dosing devices
Feed hopper
FHF feed hoppers as chain scraper conveyors, are used for loading, buffering
and dosed feed of green materials, bio refuse and organic production
remnants etc. In general, a decompactor is attached, which loosens the
material when being discharged.
The loading of the store is usually carried out using a wheel loader. The
store volume is configured according to customer requirements. FHF can
provide a range of store widths and length steps.
The strong, torsion-resistant frame is manufactured from angle steel with
welded cross-profiles. On both revolving chain strands, scraper blades, also
called dogs, are screwed on, which carry the conveyor materials.
FHF decompactors comprise two overlapping rotating rollers which are fitted
with shredding blades in a swinging mounted casing. Each roller has a
separate drive, which is driven by means of a chain drive.
The conveyor materials are added more or less evenly to the chain scraper
conveyor then transported or pressed into the drive deflector area of the
scraper conveyor against the two rotating rollers. The dynamic pressure
which occurs before the rollers steers the casing in the conveying
direction, depending on the feed and material. The steering movement is
detected by the sensors mounted on the handlebar, which in turn controls the
feed speed of the chain scraper conveyor via the SPS controller.
The rollers regularly rip parts of the conveyor materials upwards and
downwards. The conveyor material is thrown against the deflecting walls and
then falls onto an extractor conveyor located below. This provides a mixing
and dosing effect, which loosens the conveyor materials at the same time. Container filling station
Filling stations from FHF are used, to fill one or more containers or
The type of conveyor belt used as a feed belt depends on the material
composition. Different FHF conveyor belt types are available. Even filling
of the container / store is enabled by the movement, tilting and reversing
of the conveyor belt. For this, the filling level is measured using
ultrasonic sensors. Movement and tilting distances are measured by encoders
or proximity switches.
Special customer-specific requests are implemented by FHF. Please just
contact us.
Hard particle separator
- The FHF hard material separator separates impurities
such as metals and stones from the input fraction. These particles differ by
a high specific weight versus the residual fraction (e.g., 60 mm).
The separated waste is thus divided into a heavy fraction (hard material)
and a cleaned fine grain fraction.
The fraction which has to be treated is fed to the hard material separator
via a feeding conveyor which is frequency controlled. A baffle is located in
the feeding funnel, which guides the material to the separating drum. This
drum rotates in the same way as the material flow. The heavy particles
collide against the separating drum and fall against the material flow. The
remaining material is entrained by the rotary movement of the
separating drum in the other direction and is then transported further by a
conveyor belt. Through the impact the impurities fall downwards onto a
conveyor belt below the hard material separator or alternatively directly
into a container. As a result of the above-described operation, an optimum
separation result between fine grain and impurity is achieved. Transport technology
Internal material flows require individual customised solutions rather
than standard solutions. FHF Anlagentechnik is your partner, if you are
looking for the optimal logistical planning and efficient holistic systems
for internal logistics. In dialogue with our customers, we develop goods
transportation technology customised for the exact requirements of our
More than 50 years of experience and the comprehensive know-how of our
competent engineers allow us to constantly provide new unique solutions to
meet the highest demands with the best quality and maximum reliability and
The basis for efficient production sequences is the equipment which supplies
them. FHF offers you the right components for transporting your light and/or
heavy materials for all of your requirements. From transfer carriages
through suspension chain and roller conveyors, transfer stations and
vertical conveyors, to chain systems – reliable, solid materials handling
equipment from FHF. Complete systems
- FHF develops complete systems according to individual requirements for intelligent transport equipment systems. Please contact us – we would be happy to advise you and develop a concept for the most modern transport equipment, suited to your needs.
- Transport equipment components from FHF are versatile and durable. We offer rotary tables, vertical conveyors, accumulating conveyors, chain conveyors, roller conveyors, transfer carriages and angle transfer stations, to strengthen your transport infrastructure.

Rotary tables from FHF
- Rotary tables from FHF offer a rotation direction change
of 30° up to 270° on the slewing ring. This is located on a strong sub base
and has safety devices as well as the capability to accept roller and chain
ROTARY TABLE UP TO 1,200 KG- Loading using roller or chain
- angled disposal of the batch carriers without a change of running
- Rotation speed v = 0.05m/s
- Slewing ring with peripheral chain
angle of rotation 90-270°
- SEW geared motor 0.55 kW
Optional- Transport goods weight > 1200kg
- table driven in connection with chain conveyor

Vertical conveyor
- FHF vertical conveyors provide a vertical connection of
material flow between two or more building levels.
Fully automatic operation – also reversing operation – together with loading
and unloading stations is possible. The self-supporting design as well as
the compact construction due to the optimal line guidance are significant
advantages. The vertical conveyor is obviously also suitable for
installation within shafts.
The lifting carriages are equipped with a driven roller conveyor or a chain
conveyor. Of course, angle transfers of pallet turntables for 90°
displacement unloading/loading can be provided.
By using a variety of different lifting carriages, the Horstmann vertical
conveyors can be configured individually for all manner of requirements.
Our standard range includes different types, for transport loads from 100 kg
up to 2,000 kg. Special versions can be adapted to your requirements.
The individual components are made with solid machined components, with a
long life time, robust, maintenance-friendly, low-wear and safe in operation
and function.
All of our systems, unless otherwise stated, are built and delivered to the
currently applicable German UV-, VDE-standards and CE standards, at the time
of order placement.

Accumulating conveyor
Accumulating conveyors allow sideways and lengthways transport of pallets.
The conveyor is optopneumatically controlled and allows zero pressure and
low-noise transport with a transport speed of 0.2 m/s. The FHF accumulating
conveyors come with 3 to 14 pallet location spaces.
Accumulating roller conveyor- Zero pressure conveying of
pallets with central skids, longitudinal transport
- Maximum transport speed v max. = 0.2 m/s
- Pallet width 800 or 1000 mm
- Roller diameter 80mm, transfer chain 3/4 “
- centrally positioned accumulating segments – pneumatic (operating
pressure 4 bar)
- Length min. 4860 mm (3 accumulating places),
- length max. 19560 mm (13 accumulating places)
SEW geared motor depending on design

Chain conveyor
The FHF chain conveyors are standardised or customised, reversible load
carrying transport solutions. They are suitable for transverse and
longitudinal conveying of pallets, (mesh) crates or containers with a
conveying speed of up to 0,3 m/s.
The roller chains can be supplied in 5/8″, 3/4″, 1″, 1 1/4″ and 1 1/2″
(Simplex, Duplex, Triplex). You can choose between a two-strand,
three-strand or four-strand solution.

Roller conveyor
- Roller conveyors from FHF offer a standardised or custom
load transport for (mesh) boxes, euro-, industry-, or disposable pallets.
Depending on the application, FHF offers two different variants of the
roller conveyor
Roller conveyors “light” (up to 50kg transport weight)
This conveyor has a roller diameter of 50/60 with a permissible load carrier
weight of maximum 50 kg. The elements are transported with a speed between
0.2 to 1.2 m/s. Drive is provided by a tangential chain with double
chainwheel. Depending on the application, flat belts, toothed belts, or poly
V-belts can be specified.
Roller conveyors “heavy” (up to 1200 kg transport weight)
For heavier transports, FHF offers this roller conveyor, to allow
standard or custom load carrier transport for mesh (boxes), euro-,
industry-, or disposable pallets up to max. 1200 kg.
The roller diameter is 89 mm. The drive is provided by a double chainwheel
and allows a maximum transport speed of 0.3 m/s.

Transfer carriage
- A transport carriage is required to bridge large
transport distances. FHF offers a professional solution for the transport of
pallets, mesh boxes or piece goods (up to 1200 kg).
The transfer carriage from FHF provides Vulkollan coated drive and guide
wheels, as frequency-controlled drive, energy chain or electrical rail,
mounting of rollers, chain conveyors, scissor lift tables, telescopic forks,
wheel drive or omega drive with toothed belts. The transport speed is max. 4
m/s.- horizontal transport over large distances
- rail-mounted
- fully automatic operation with loading and unloading station
- Maximum transport speed v max. = 4 m/s
- Rail lengths > 50m
- Energy chains, trailing cable or electrical rails,
- frequency-controlled SEW geared motor
Vulkollan wheels
- Direct wheel drive or omega drive with toothed belts
- Loading using RBA, KF, DRA
- Transport capacity depending on route and design

Angle transfer station
The FHF angle transfer stations offer a change of 90° in the conveying
direction. It is suited to pallets and mesh boxes (up to 1200 kg) and is
compatible with roller-, chain-, and toothed belt conveyors. Drive is
provided from a motorised eccentric hoist.
- Right angle entry and exit of load carriers by lifting or
- Reversing operation
- electrically motorised eccentric hoist v =0.05 m/s
- SEW geared motor (hoist) 0.55 kW
- Transport goods weight > 1200kg
- multi-strand chain conveyors
- Pallet alignment
Special steel constructions
The range of services includes steel construction for industry and trades,
steel construction of plants installations, special steel constructions,
pedestals, gantries, stairs and platforms. In close cooperation with the
builder, our project managers and designers implement the wishes of the
customer. A team of well-trained engineers, technicians and tradesmen
assures a high quality manufacture of our components and products, all the
way up to fully delivered systems.Steel construction for plants is well
established. The steel construction as a sub-base or parallel structure
constantly needs to meet the requirements of plant construction and its at
times complex technical equipment.
Our support and advices reaches from the planning, statics and design
through manufacturing and preservation up to assembling the steel