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  • Offer Profile

    Cutting-edge technology for agricultural technology, biogas, industry, transportation and wastewater

    Solutions for Agriculture, Biogas, Industry, Transportation and Wastewater

    Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and distributes highly-engineered equipment that is easy to maintain. The head office is located in Essen/Oldb. in Lower Saxony, Germany. Founded in 1929 as a manufacturer of agricultural machinery, the company has grown to become a specialist in individually configurable machines, plants and systems for the agricultural, biogas, industrial, transportation and wastewater sectors.

Product Portfolio

  • Robust and powerful industrial pumps and macerators

    Whether in the gas and oil industry, the chemical industry, the food sector, or recycling – efficient and safe pumping of abrasive, aggressive or highly viscous media remains a major challenge in the transport and disposal process. Depending on the industry, it is important to do more than just ensuring a safe, trouble-free process. The pump technology must be adapted to the respective medium. While grapes must be transported to production in the best possible condition, packaging waste must be macerated before it is forwarded to make it pumpable. Rubber solutions, paints or detergents require particularly high suction power, while contaminated media or media with high solids content can push pumps and macerators literally to breaking point.

    The pump and shredding technology used in the industry must therefore not only be extremely high-performance and low-maintenance, but also flexible and equally gentle and resistant. The elastomer-coated rotary lobe pumps invented by Helmut Vogelsang in 1970 owe their excellent reputation to their compact design and low maintenance requirements. The pumps operate pulsation-free, despite their high power. This protects the mechanical components and increases their lifetime. Add to this the company's experience and history of innovation. As a solution-oriented partner, Vogelsang always manages to develop new, application-specific pumps and machine combinations that meet changing customer requirements. Equally carefully tailored shredding technology supplements a product line that covers the widest possible range of functions and economy.

      • Reduce costs for your sewage treatment plant and sewage system using the right technology

        Safe and reliable disposal of wastewater, i.e. the detection, treatment and purification of municipal and industrial wastewater, is becoming more and more important for the protection of waterwaysand the environment, but also for sustaining quality of life. Municipalities, wastewater associations and private operators of sewage treatment plants and sewage networks are being confronted with a wide range of requirements and specifications designed by legislators to ensure the drinking water of tomorrow stays clean. To avoid the entry of noxious substances, heavy rain events need to be safely handled and the reliable drainage of wastewater ensured at all times. Heavy rain incidents need to have as few effects as possible on the quality of wastewater purification and the Wastewater Ordinance needs to be observed at all times to prevent contamination of waters and the environment. In addition surface water and wastewater need to be detected and sewered separately where possible. Wastewater should be discharged via the sewage system, and wastewater treatment in the sewage treatment plant also needs to be as energy-efficient as possible while conserving resources. Organic loads need to be decomposed, with nitrogen and phosphate safely eliminated. At the same time the focus is on heavy metals and trace elements, as well as chemical and pharmaceutical residue in the wastewater. The requirement to separate microplastics in the future and recover valuable phosphates is presenting yet more, new requirements for sewage technology.

        At the same time demographical changes and changes in living habits are influencing wastewater collection and purification. Above all there is the wish to keep the costs for wastewater removal and purification as low as possible, and ideally to reduce them. Consequently wastewater technology needs to be developed and adapted on a continuous basis, incorporating the latest knowledge into building new systems for wastewater treatment and  purification, along with  expanding and upgrading existing systems so that water is purified as best as possible, ensuring the ground is stressed as little as possible.

        Vogelsang has been a reliable and innovative partner for wastewater technology for decades. We offer our customers efficient components such as wastewater pumpsslurry pumpsgrinders and disintegration systems for the economically efficient operation of sewage networks and sewage treatment plants. Every single one of our products is designed for economical, reliable operation. Coupling together several machines and optimal coordination of individual components using intelligent control technology enables us to provide efficient system solutions for individual problems.


          • Biogas technology uses environmentally friendly natural processes

            Objectively, biogas is considered a flammable byproduct of the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter. Biogas is one of the most flexible elements in the mix of renewable energies. It can be stored in the form of heat or electricity so that the energy can be used when it is needed. This flexibility makes biogas an ideal supplement to solar or wind energy, which both fluctuate in reliability and are difficult to regulate.

            Vogelsang provides reliable components for the economic production of biogas. From pump technology to macerationdisintegration technology and solid matter feeding systems, Vogelsang offers a comprehensive portfolio of biogas technology for the entire range of fermentation. This is why we see ourselves as partners in the biogas sector. Together with our customers, we are continuously developing our biogas technology, adapting it to ongoing changes in the underlying conditions to deliver solutions for the efficient production of biogas. An important aspect of this is the individual analysis of every single biogas plant. This is the only way to find and fully realize potential for optimization.


              • Vogelsang service equipment—From pump systems and cleaning cabinets to online monitoring

                In Germany alone, roughly 150 million people use long-distance trains or buses to travel from A to B every year1. Europe-wide, more than 9 billion passengers boarded trains in 20152. The logistical achievement behind this is immense—and that includes the drinking water supply to buses and trains and disposal of their wastewater. In addition to the fundamental investment in technical installations for supply and disposal, all kinds of national and international regulations need to be observed for hygienic reasons. This is a tight regulatory framework that the manufacturers of the corresponding equipment components can only master with in-depth expertise.

                As a main supplier of major tran operating companies, Vogelsang is a market leader in the train car service sector in Germany, with decades of experience to look back on. Vogelsang's range encompasses not only the systems for supply and disposal of water and for interior cleaning, but also operating data management and system monitoring. We also offer corresponding systems for buses and boats as well.


                  • Efficient liquid manure spreading and liquid manure management

                    Liquid manure is an important resource for agriculture. Used correctly, it brings with it distinct economic benefits. Though improved liquid manure technology comes at a price, it enables huge savings. Why? The more uniformly liquid manure is deposited on or in the ground, the better the nutrients it contains can be utilized since emissions are minimized. Farmers, corporate contractors and machine syndicates can significantly reduce outlay on mineral fertilizer using this natural source of nutrients. Using the full range of agricultural technology by Vogelsang will ensure low-emission application of liquid manure is more successful even under the most demanding conditions.

                    For several decades now, Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG has been committed to liquid manure technology. Time and time again we have set new benchmarks for low-emission spreading, thereby enabling our customers to use the nutrients contained in liquid manure efficiently and hence optimize their operating costs. Consequently, we have contributed considerably to their economic success. Incorporating ongoing developments and innovations in our techniques means we are in a position to act as your professional partner – from tanking to spreading. For we know only too well that efficient liquid manure management with ground-level spreading saves costs while at the same time preserving the environment. In order to support our customers in achieving their economic goals as best as possible, we offer a broad portfolio of products in the areas of pumpshredding and spreading technology.


                      • The right pump for the right application

                        Whether you need to pump liquid manure loaded with foreign matter out of a pit, organic suspension into the digester, or you need to pump aggressive chemicals: Vogelsang pumps are resistant to foreign matter, can convey highly abrasive media, and are impressively easy to maintain. At the same time, they are exceptionally powerful: our pumps convey media from 1 m3/h to more than 1,400 m3/h at differential pressures of up to 16 bar.

                        As one of the leading producers of positive displacement pumps, Vogelsang offers customers a variety of application-oriented solutions, including:

                        • Rotary lobe pumps: We invented it and perfected it – the rotary elastomer-coated lobe pump. A true all-rounder for cross-industry solutions, with numerous equipment and material variants. Extremely space-saving, easy to maintain and efficient.
                        • Progressive cavity pumps: The CC series uses the tried-and-tested principle of the progressive cavity pump in an innovative, uniquely easy to maintain type of construction. Parts can be replaced in minimal time without disassembling pipes.
                        • Centrifugal pumps: The PowerFill filling aid makes it possible to fill vacuum tanks up to 30% faster. Additionally, the liquid manure is homogenized during the filling procedure, making it easier to spread more precisely.
                          • THE ROTARY LOBE PUMP IS A TRUE ALL-ROUNDER

                          • First, we invented the elastomer-coated rotary lobe pump – then we perfected it

                            Every pump application is unique. That’s why Vogelsang offers a wide range of well-engineered, sturdy and powerful pump technology. Combined with our comprehensive series of features, options and continuous technical developments, we can provide the right rotary lobe pump for almost any application.

                            The most important characteristics of rotary lobe pumps are that they are self-priming even from a depth of as much as 9 meters, they are resistant to dry running, and they also retain their high degree of efficiency if the medium being pumped contains foreign matter. Our customers in all industries have come to rely on our pumps, with their capacities of up to 1,400 m3/h and pressures of up to 16 bar, they can reliably convey low-viscosity to highly viscous media, either pure or with a high solid matter content.

                              • VX SERIES

                              • THE ALL-ROUNDER

                                • Easy maintenance, quick on-site service thanks to access to the pumping chamber simply by disassembling the cover
                                • Cost-effective operation thanks to a high degree of efficiency
                                • Comprehensive range of features and options
                                • Self-priming, resistant to dry running and foreign matter
                                • Long service life


                                Adjustable pump housing segments
                                On rotary lobe pumps from Vogelsang, wear on the pump housing segments is compensated without using additional parts. This makes the most of the material and prolongs service life.

                                Axial wear plates
                                Axial wear plates are made from highly wear-resistant special steel and therefore extend maintenance intervalls. They offer protection for the entire pump chamber and therefore not only simplify maintenance, but also minimize downtime. At the same time costs are minimized.

                                Lobe variety
                                With our extensive selection of lobe geometry and materials, we will find the right long-life lobe for your media, e.g. NBR, NBR white, SBR, EPDM-SL, EPDM-AL, EPDM white, CSM, FKM, PU, stainless steel oder nitrided steel. The lobes can be produced in a straight, double-wing geometry or as 3-wing or 4-wing, pulsation-free HiFlo lobes.

                                Material variety
                                Alongside the standard model in abrasion-resistant gray cast iron, versions in ADI and stainless steel are stocked as well. On request, the components of the pump chamber can be manufactured from duplex steel or a nickel-based alloy. Other options for customization include heat treatment and wear-resistant coatings for the wear plates and housing components.

                                Quality Cartridge
                                The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                Break-proof shafts
                                VX pumps from Vogelsang have sturdy, break-proof shafts with a large diameter and without cranks and recesses to weaken them. The benefit is that Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps give a minimum shaft deflection even under high pressure, very low start-up wear, and ultimately reduced operating costs and spare parts costs.

                                Element-based design
                                Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps are built according to a unique element-based design. With them, the customer isn’t forced to replace the entire body, but instead just the element that is affected. The economical replacement of individual components not only makes maintenance simpler and quicker, but simultaneously reduces the operating costs.

                              • IQ SERIES


                                • The easiest maintenance, rapid onsite service
                                • Quick, optimum access to the pumping elements
                                • Self-priming and resistant to dry running
                                • Easy and flexible to integrate


                                Quality Cartridge
                                The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                HiFlo lobes
                                Unlike conventional lobes, Vogelsang’s HiFlo® lobes ensure pulsation-free pumping and consequently longer lifetimes for the drive and coupling. At the same time, the suction capacity is increased due to the higher number of sealing lines. The improved internal sealing enables suction from deep pits.

                                Integrated power reserve
                                Larger lobes and pump covers can be installed in the IQ series
                                without making any modifications; this can increase capacity by as
                                much as 40%.

                              • R SERIES

                              • THE STURDY CLASSIC

                                • Self-priming even from deep pits
                                • Reversible flow allows any flow direction to be used
                                • Long service life thanks to high resistance to foreign matter and the use of axial wear plates made of highly wear-resistant specialty steel
                                • Compact design saves space


                                Lobe variety
                                With our extensive selection of lobe geometry and materials, we will find the right long-life lobe for your media, e.g. NBR, NBR white, SBR, EPDM-SL, EPDM-AL, EPDM white, CSM, FKM, PU, stainless steel oder nitrided steel. The lobes can be produced in a straight, double-wing geometry or as 3-wing or 4-wing, pulsation-free HiFlo lobes.

                                Material variety
                                Alongside the standard model in abrasion-resistant gray cast iron, versions in stainless steel are stocked as well. Other options for customization include heat treatment and wear-resistant coatings for the wear plates and housing components.

                                Axial wear plates
                                Axial wear plates are made from highly wear-resistant special steel and therefore extend maintenance intervalls. They offer protection for the entire pump chamber and therefore not only simplify maintenance, but also minimize downtime. At the same time costs are minimized.


                              • FX SERIES

                              • PROVEN LIQUID MANURE PUMP THAT OFFERS YOU MORE

                                • Additional lubrication is no longer required due to integrated circulating oil lubrication
                                • Rotating separation plate for low energy consumption
                                • Long lifetime thanks to industrial-standard block ring seal


                                Lobe variety
                                With our extensive selection of lobe geometry and materials, we will find the right long-life lobe for your media, e.g. NBR, NBR white, SBR, EPDM-SL, EPDM-AL, EPDM white, CSM, FKM, PU, stainless steel oder nitrided steel. The lobes can be produced in a straight, double-wing geometry or as 3-wing or 4-wing, pulsation-free HiFlo lobe

                                Material variety
                                Alongside the standard model in abrasion-resistant gray cast iron, versions in stainless steel are stocked as well. Other options for customization include heat treatment and wear-resistant coatings for the wear plates and housing components.

                                Axial wear plates
                                Axial wear plates are made from highly wear-resistant special steel and therefore extend maintenance intervalls. They offer protection for the entire pump chamber and therefore not only simplify maintenance, but also minimize downtime. At the same time costs are minimized.

                                Oil circulation lubrication
                                Thanks to the oil circulation lubrication, the FarmerPump requires almost no maintenance at all. An oil pump built into the gearbox provides an even and constant supply of oil to all the relevant gaskets, thus removing the need for manual lubrication.

                                Rotating separation plate
                                The rotating separation plate between the lobes prevents the accumulation of fibrous matter. This helps to maintain full pump performance and minimizes diesel and electricity consumption.

                                Block ring seal
                                The block ring seals installed in the FarmerPump are special mechanical seals made to industry standards. The special design has been developed especially to increase the pump's resistance to fibers in the liquid manure, thus significantly extending the lifetime of the unit compared to those that use traditional mechanical seals.


                                • Agriculture

                              • GL SERIES

                              • THE ROTARY LOBE PUMP WITH FOCUS ON POWER

                                • Up to 61 % less weight
                                • Up to 35 % less space
                                • Easier service
                                • Lower power consumption
                                • Incredibly quiet running


                                Adjustable pump housing segments
                                On rotary lobe pumps from Vogelsang, wear on the pump housing segments is compensated without using additional parts. This makes the most of the material and prolongs service life.

                                Axial wear plates
                                Axial wear plates are made from highly wear-resistant special steel and therefore extend maintenance intervalls. They offer protection for the entire pump chamber and therefore not only simplify maintenance, but also minimize downtime. At the same time costs are minimized.

                                Quality Cartridge
                                The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                Break-proof shafts
                                VX pumps from Vogelsang have sturdy, break-proof shafts with a large diameter and without cranks and recesses to weaken them. The benefit is that Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps give a minimum shaft deflection even under high pressure, very low start-up wear, and ultimately reduced operating costs and spare parts costs.

                                Element-based design
                                Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps are built according to a unique element-based design. With them, the customer isn’t forced to replace the entire body, but instead just the element that is affected. The economical replacement of individual components not only makes maintenance simpler and quicker, but simultaneously reduces the operating costs.


                                • Liquid manure
                                • Tankers
                                • Tank trailers

                            • PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP

                                  • CC SERIES

                                  • THE QUICKSERVICE PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP

                                    • Easy and quick to service with minimal space requirements
                                    • No disassembly of the discharge-side and suction-side pipes necessary
                                    • Variety of options for changing parts
                                    • The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal can be changed without opening the pump
                                    • Sturdy cardan shaft with protective sleeve


                                    Swiveling mechanism
                                    One key feature of the CC series is its swiveling mechanism, which means that the pipe does not need to be disassembled. The rotor and stator are swiveled upwards or to the side as a single unit.

                                    Sturdy and protected cardan shaft
                                    A generously sized cardan shaft with two cardan joints ensures reliable transmission of the drive power in the CC series from the parallel shaft geared motor to the rotor. A sturdy sleeve – which doesn’t even have to be disassembled when changing the rotor – protects the shaft against solid and fibrous matter and against foreign matter in the medium.

                                    Easy sealing change
                                    The shaft seal in the CC series is sealed using the tried-and-tested Quality Cartridge, which can be replaced without needing to open the pump. When the motor is removed, the seal is accessible from the drive end, where it can be replaced with just a few motions. Of course, it can also be changed through the pumping chamber after dismounting the cardan shaft.

                                    Part replacement variants
                                    The CC series offers many options for replacing parts. If the pump needs to be operational again quickly, the stator and rotor are replaced as a single unit. It is also possible to replace the entire rotating unit. Alternatively, the stator and rotor can be replaced one after the other, as in conventional progressive cavity pumps.

                                    Free passage
                                    Thanks to the optimized suction housing, the large free passage of up to 108 mm in the CC series pumps is ensured throughout the entire length. This prevents clogging and blockages in the suction housing caused by foreign matter and disruptive matter.

                              • CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS

                                    • POWERFILL

                                    • TURBO FILLER FOR VACUUM TANKERS PowerFill

                                      • Up to 30% less filling time of the tanker with a vacuum system
                                      • Full utilization of the transport volume via complete filling
                                      • More precise spreading of liquid manure due to homogenization
                                      • Simple to retrofit
                                • PUMP SYSTEMS FOR SPECIAL CASES

                                • Innovative pump technology squared

                                  Some pumping processes require additional functions. But generally, this leads to problems relating to issues of space, installation possibilities etc. With pump systems from Vogelsang, our customers benefit from powerful pump technology combined with that certain something extra.

                                  • Combinations of cutter and pump: Designed specifically for the biogas sector, our pump systems consisting of a macerator and rotary lobe pump (BioCut) or progressive cavity pump (CC- Cut) can shred, pump and separate out foreign matter in a single process.
                                  • Filling liquid manure tankers: We developed the FillMaster systems for optimum tank filling in agricultural operations, biogas plants or in liquid manure storage facilities. The effective solution for the liquid manure chain, with trouble-free filling at any location.
                                  • Pump for the wine industry: The Vogelsang wine pump was developed specifically for the wine industry. The all-in-one system is ready for immediate use pumping grapes, must and wine very gently.
                                    • BIOCUT

                                    • THE UNIVERSAL PUMP SYSTEM

                                      • Cost-effective pumping thanks to optimally coordinated components
                                      • Reliable conveying of a wide range of challenging media
                                      • Separation of heavy material and treatment of disruptive matter before the pump
                                      • Compact design and minimal space requirements
                                      • Service and maintenance can be performed quickly and easily on site


                                      Heavy material separation
                                      Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator that can be individually adjusted.

                                      The rotary lobe pump and RotaCut are combined in the pump system in a way that ensures the QuickService functions are retained in full. The wear parts can be accessed in a few easy steps. They can be replaced quickly and easily on site. The pump system is ready for use again in no time at all.

                                      Adjustable pump housing segments
                                      On rotary lobe pumps from Vogelsang, wear on the pump housing segments is compensated without using additional parts. This makes the most of the material and prolongs service life.

                                      Break-proof shafts
                                      VX pumps from Vogelsang have sturdy, break-proof shafts with a large diameter and without cranks and recesses to weaken them. The benefit is that Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps give a minimum shaft deflection even under high pressure, very low start-up wear, and ultimately reduced operating costs and spare parts costs.

                                      Element-based design
                                      Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps are built according to a unique element-based design. With them, the customer isn’t forced to replace the entire body, but instead just the element that is affected. The economical replacement of individual components not only makes maintenance simpler and quicker, but simultaneously reduces the operating costs.

                                      Cutting screen geometry
                                      Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.

                                      Quality Cartridge
                                      The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                      Compact design
                                      The pumps and the grinders are mounted together and optimally on a console. This result in short suction pipes, a flow which is directly pumped to the cutting screen and a very compact design. Therefore, the pumping systems required only a minimal footprint but are nevertheless easily accessible for maintenance and service.

                                      The self-priming pump can prime media from depths as low as 9 meters up to heights as high as 9 meters.


                                    • CC-CUT

                                    • THE POWERFUL PUMP SYSTEM

                                      • Efficient pumping thanks to optimally coordinated pump and cutter
                                      • Reliable, trouble-free pumping of challenging and highly viscous media
                                      • Treatment of disruptive matter and separating out of heavy material before the pump
                                      • Low space requirements thanks to extremely compact design
                                      • Maintenance and changing of parts can be performed quickly and easily on site


                                      Heavy material separation
                                      Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator that can be individually adjusted.

                                      Swiveling mechanism
                                      One key feature of the CC series is its swiveling mechanism, which means that the pipe does not need to be disassembled. The rotor and stator are swiveled upwards or to the side as a single unit.

                                      Sturdy and protected cardan shaft
                                      A generously sized cardan shaft with two cardan joints ensures reliable transmission of the drive power in the CC series from the parallel shaft geared motor to the rotor. A sturdy sleeve – which doesn’t even have to be disassembled when changing the rotor – protects the shaft against solid and fibrous matter and against foreign matter in the medium.

                                      Part replacement variants
                                      The CC series offers many options for replacing parts. If the pump needs to be operational again quickly, the stator and rotor are replaced as a single unit. It is also possible to replace the entire rotating unit. Alternatively, the stator and rotor can be replaced one after the other, as in conventional progressive cavity pumps.

                                      Cutting screen geometry
                                      Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.

                                    • FILLMASTER

                                    • VOGELSANG TANK FILLING STATIONS

                                      • Convenient and quick filling
                                      • No complicated connection and disconnection of hoses
                                      • Can be transported with any tractor
                                    • WINE PUMP

                                    • THE GENTLE WINE PUMP BY VOGELSANG

                                      • Reduced wine oxygenation keeping high the wine flavors and quality
                                      • Ideal for recirculation or pumping to/from the cellar
                                      • Compact design: Low place requirements ensure fixed and mobile usage
                                      • High availability of the pump thanks to easy and onsite maintenance

                                      ENJOY YOUR WINE WITH VOGELSANG

                                      Pumping in a winery is an essential process; it needs to be smooth and gentle with the grapes and wine, in order to keep intact their organoleptic characteristics. But powerful and efficient to be able to complete pump-over and bottling without any trouble. Knowing the requirements of the market, we have developed a wine pump with all necessary accessories to let the winemakers do their job and not worry about the pumping processes. If you would like to know what our customer from one of the biggest wineries in Italy thinks about our pumps after trying them for a while, watch the video.

                                    • BIOCUT

                                    • THE UNIVERSAL PUMP SYSTEM

                                      • Cost-effective pumping thanks to optimally coordinated components
                                      • Reliable conveying of a wide range of challenging media
                                      • Separation of heavy material and treatment of disruptive matter before the pump
                                      • Compact design and minimal space requirements
                                      • Service and maintenance can be performed quickly and easily on site


                                      Heavy material separation
                                      Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator that can be individually adjusted.

                                      The rotary lobe pump and RotaCut are combined in the pump system in a way that ensures the QuickService functions are retained in full. The wear parts can be accessed in a few easy steps. They can be replaced quickly and easily on site. The pump system is ready for use again in no time at all.

                                      Adjustable pump housing segments
                                      On rotary lobe pumps from Vogelsang, wear on the pump housing segments is compensated without using additional parts. This makes the most of the material and prolongs service life.

                                      Break-proof shafts
                                      VX pumps from Vogelsang have sturdy, break-proof shafts with a large diameter and without cranks and recesses to weaken them. The benefit is that Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps give a minimum shaft deflection even under high pressure, very low start-up wear, and ultimately reduced operating costs and spare parts costs.

                                      Element-based design
                                      Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps are built according to a unique element-based design. With them, the customer isn’t forced to replace the entire body, but instead just the element that is affected. The economical replacement of individual components not only makes maintenance simpler and quicker, but simultaneously reduces the operating costs.

                                      Cutting screen geometry
                                      Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.

                                      Quality Cartridge
                                      The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                      Compact design
                                      The pumps and the grinders are mounted together and optimally on a console. This result in short suction pipes, a flow which is directly pumped to the cutting screen and a very compact design. Therefore, the pumping systems required only a minimal footprint but are nevertheless easily accessible for maintenance and service.

                                      The self-priming pump can prime media from depths as low as 9 meters up to heights as high as 9 meters.

                                    • CC-CUT

                                    • THE POWERFUL PUMP SYSTEM

                                      • Efficient pumping thanks to optimally coordinated pump and cutter
                                      • Reliable, trouble-free pumping of challenging and highly viscous media
                                      • Treatment of disruptive matter and separating out of heavy material before the pump
                                      • Low space requirements thanks to extremely compact design
                                      • Maintenance and changing of parts can be performed quickly and easily on site


                                      Heavy material separation
                                      Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator that can be individually adjusted.

                                      Swiveling mechanism
                                      One key feature of the CC series is its swiveling mechanism, which means that the pipe does not need to be disassembled. The rotor and stator are swiveled upwards or to the side as a single unit.

                                      Sturdy and protected cardan shaft
                                      A generously sized cardan shaft with two cardan joints ensures reliable transmission of the drive power in the CC series from the parallel shaft geared motor to the rotor. A sturdy sleeve – which doesn’t even have to be disassembled when changing the rotor – protects the shaft against solid and fibrous matter and against foreign matter in the medium.

                                      Part replacement variants
                                      The CC series offers many options for replacing parts. If the pump needs to be operational again quickly, the stator and rotor are replaced as a single unit. It is also possible to replace the entire rotating unit. Alternatively, the stator and rotor can be replaced one after the other, as in conventional progressive cavity pumps.

                                      Cutting screen geometry
                                      Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.

                                  • GRINDERS AND SEPARATORS FOR PROFESSIONALS

                                  • For protection and optimization of applications and media

                                    When a customer is looking for a grinding technology, the only thing that usually counts is whether the technology meets the requirements, i.e. whether the grinder can handle the medium and application. The details as to whether it's a single-shaft grinder, twin-shaft grinder or a combination of grinders and pumps is usually a secondary consideration or entirely irrelevant. To protect downstream components, however, additional foreign matter separators and/or heavy material separators are often advisable.

                                    That's why at Vogelsang, we differentiate between the following types of cutters and separators:

                                    • Solid matter grinders: A grinding technology such as the RedUnit reduces the particle size of solid matter to enable further processing without any problems.
                                    • Wet grinders: These grinders (RotaCut/XRipper) mainly come in contact with liquid media and shred any disruptive matter they contain.
                                    • Separators: Active separators such as the DebrisCatcher free the liquid medium of undesired foreign matter that cannot be reduced by a grinder.
                                      • ROTACUT

                                      • WET CUTTER WITH INTEGRATED HEAVY MATERIAL SEPARATOR

                                        • Reliably macerates fibers and foreign matter in liquid media
                                        • Protects downstream system components from damage caused by foreign matter
                                        • Prevents blockages and clogging of pumps, fittings and pipe systems
                                        • Reduces the viscosity and homogenizes liquids and suspensions
                                        • Prevents floating layers


                                        Heavy material separation
                                        Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator that can be individually adjusted.

                                        Cutting screen geometry
                                        Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.

                                        Cutting screen holder
                                        The cutting screens are exposed to high loads in cutters like the RotaCut. This is why in the RotaCut, they are not merely supported at several points, but rather their entire surface lies on a stable holder. This reduces deformation of the cutting screen and enables easy and energy-saving cutting across the entire surface.

                                        Cutting blades and rotors
                                        Cutting blades and rotors have a decisive impact on the RotaCut's cutting performance. The asymmetric blade rotors we developed in-house deliver optimal shredding performance with minimal wear. The mobile bearing of the cutting blade ensures continuous contact between the cutting screen and blade – a solid foundation for reliable cutting of even the finest fibers.

                                        Cutting screen support
                                        Shredding media with a high solids content in a small space places a great strain on the cutting screens. This is why we have optimized the holder on both the Pro and RCX series: the cutting screen is additionally stabilized by a central support. This minimizes deformation of the cutting screen and also enables efficient cutting despite high load operation.

                                        Blade adjustment
                                        Each RotaCut has a blade adjustment function that ensures that the cutting blade and screen are always in direct contact. This contact is what enables reliable shredding of even the finest, long-fiber fibrous matter, such as hair, industrial fibers and grass entanglements.

                                        All RotaCut products feature a maintenance and easy to maintain design. Just a few motions are required to gain access to the cutting tools, which can be replaced on-site. The RotaCut is ready for use again in no time at all. The RotaCut does not need to be removed nor the cutter head disassembled.

                                      • XRIPPER

                                      • THE WASTEWATER GRINDER

                                        • Economical shredding of solid and disruptive matter such as wet wipes, wood, fabric, trash, and waste
                                        • Efficient protection for pumps and system components from clogging, blockages, and damage
                                        • Always ready for operation thanks to straightforward maintenance
                                        • Added reliability thanks to cartridge mechanical seal technology


                                        The monolithic Ripper rotors are made of a high-quality steel block. They transfer the torque evenly from the shaft to the rotors, thereby enabling an even greater load. Service and mainte-nance work can be completed in a short time because far fewer individual parts need to be replaced when changing parts.

                                        Wearing plates with counter-cutters
                                        The axial wear plates of the XRipper are equipped with a counter-cutter that largely prevents disruptive matter from passing through the XRipper without being shredded. The result: even, reliable shredding.

                                        As a result of the different rotational speeds of the two XRipper shafts, the XRipper rotors clean themselves. Material that has settled in the gaps between the Ripper rotors is actively raked out. This avoids clogging of rotors and any resulting reduction in flow rate.

                                        Robust shafts and rotors
                                        The shafts and rotors of the XRipper are dimensioned with maximum diameters. Both together make the XRipper torsionally stiff and resistant to blockage.

                                        Rigid housing
                                        The XRipper housing features a rigid design. This lays the foundation for the long lifetime of the bearings and gearbox.

                                      • REDUNIT

                                      • THE CUSTOMIZED AND MODULAR GRINDING SYSTEM

                                        • Individual engineering unit
                                        • Compact and sturdy
                                        • High availability thanks to quick and easy service
                                        • Added safety due to cartridge mechanical seal technology
                                        • Low electricity consumption


                                        Compact design
                                        Even though the RedUnit offers multiple grinding stages and various pump options, it can be integrated into your system space-efficiently even in tight spaces, thanks to its compact and rugged design.

                                        Customized configuration
                                        The modular structure of the RedUnit allows you to choose from a range of pumps and grinding stages according to your individual requirements. Therefore, you end up with a customized grinding system.

                                        Reduced energy consumption
                                        The RedUnit is a complete grinding unit. Therefore, there are no additional pumps or feed screws required between the separate grinding stages, which is really good news for your electricity consumption.

                                        Long downtimes and high costs for maintenance are a thing of the past: spare parts such as Ripper rotors, cutting blades, and the Quality Cartridge can be replaced easily without needing to dismantle the product.

                                        Quality Cartridge
                                        The Quality Cartridge mechanical seal is checked in the factory and when it is changed, all of the seal components are also replaced. This protects against sudden failures of the seal and potentially fatal damage. The complete unit is easy to change, and the replacement process takes significantly less time.

                                      • DEBRISCATCHER

                                      • ACTIVE HEAVY MATERIAL SEPARATION

                                        • Prevents damage due to foreign matter such as stones and metal parts
                                        • Prevents blockages of pumps, gate valves and valves
                                        • High throughput with low power requirements
                                        • Sturdy and robust thanks to counter bearing


                                        In contrast to static heavy material separators, stones and metal parts are actively separated out by the DebrisCatcher. Foreign matter that arrives at the cutting screen along with the liquid flow is retained there and is then actively (mechanically) guided into the foreign matter separator by the clearing units.

                                        Flow-optimized housing
                                        For optimal separation of heavy material, a generously dimensioned, calmed area was created and optimized using flow simulations. The result: foreign matter contained in the liquid flow, such as metal parts or stones, is optimally separated out by gravity, and sinks down to the foreign matter separator.

                                        Counter bearing
                                        A counter bearing supports the drive shaft and ensures high stability.

                                        Mechanical seal
                                        The drive shaft is sealed using a proven-effective combination of a mechanical seal and radial shaft seal ring. The sealing system additionally includes a buffer fluid tank that enables leak control.

                                        Geometry of the clearing units
                                        The geometry of the clearing units is perfectly coordinated to work with the cutting screen. The pairing of the cutting screen and clearing units always results in a large, blunt angle. This prevents blockages resulting from trapped foreign matter.


                                    • Electrokinetic or mechanical disintegration methods for optimized processes

                                      Efficient disintegration technology reduces the costs of sewage treatment and biogas plants while improving results. By using Vogelsang technology to digest sludge or substrate, the gas yields of sewage treatment and biogas plants can be optimized. This is complemented by reduced power consumption of mixers, pumps, decanters and other components. In the waste water sector, the disintegration of sewage sludge also leads to less sludge accumulation and a lesser need for flocculants (polymers) when dewatering the sludge.

                                      Vogelsang offers the following methods:

                                      • Electrokinetic disintegration using the BioCrack: In this electrokinetic method, the medium flows through a high voltage field which breaks up the medium's structures.
                                      • Mechanical disintegration using the DisRuptor: In this mechanical method, external forces reduce the size of the medium's particles and increase their surface area. In the case of the DisRuptor, this is achieved through grinding up and defibering the solid matter in the medium.
                                          • DISRUPTOR

                                          • ENERGY-EFFICIENT MECHANICAL DISINTEGRATION

                                            • Increases the surface of the biomass feed
                                            • Homogenizes and reduces the viscosity of the organic suspension
                                            • Accelerates and increases gas production
                                            • Reduces the power consumption of mixers and pumps
                                            • Easy to retrofit


                                            Adjustable function unit
                                            The variable function unit is the DisRuptor’s outstanding feature. It allows the DisRuptor to be adjusted individually for the biomass and the application. The gap between the DisRuptor ring and the wing is infinitely adjustable. In this way, wear can be compensated quickly and simply, without having to replace parts.

                                            High throughput
                                            The sophisticated design of the function unit makes intensive disintegration possible at a high throughput and low drive power. With just 15 kW of installed capacity, up to 200 m3/h of organic suspension can be treated. This combination is what makes mechanical disintegration viable.

                                            Thanks to the QuickService design, service and maintenance are quick and easy in the DisRuptor: Rotating up the DisRuptor head provides optimal access to the function unit. Maintenance, adjusting the function unit or replacing parts are simple and can be done in just a few steps.

                                            Opening aid
                                            All DisRuptor units have a hydraulic support for rotating the DisRuptor head upwards. That allows the DisRuptor to be opened effortlessly, e.g. for service and maintenance.

                                            DisRuptor ring and wing
                                            Both parts of the DisRuptor ring are hardened with a special process, and have a wear-resistant surface. The DisRuptor wings are made of hardened special steel. In addition, the sophisticated geometry and layout of the parts ensure a long service life.

                                      • INNOVATIVE, SOLID MATTER FEEDING

                                      • Reliable solid matter feeders for efficient biogas production

                                        Biogas equipment must be safe and efficient to allow economic operation of the biogas system. In this respect digester feeding has a key function. This is why we have developed systems for feeding solid matter in a mashed form which is suitable for bacteria. Thanks to this feeding, which is ideal for the microorganisms, you can increase the gas yield and reduce your energy requirements for mixing, stirring and pumping. Vogelsang solid matter feeders contribute to a more efficient and profitable operation of your biogas system – and that has even been scientifically checked.

                                          • CC-MIX

                                          • THE COST-EFFECTIVE FLUID FEEDING SYSTEM

                                            • Mashes simple biomass cost-effectively to form a homogeneous organic suspension
                                            • An integrated foreign matter separator removes heavy material before it can reach the pump unit
                                            • Is uncomplicated to integrate thanks to its compact dimensions and simple control
                                            • Several digesters can be fed from one CC-Mix
                                            • Easy to change parts on site


                                            Unique design
                                            The unique design of the CC Mix stands for the best possible mixing performance with minimal energy requirements. Through the intelligent arrangement of solid and liquid feeds as well as the mixing shaft, floating layers are avoided and the biomass is actively transported in the liquid, to intensively mix both to a homogeneous organic suspension.

                                            Integrated foreign matter separator
                                            At the base of the mixing chamber, directly before the pump unit, the CC Mix has a foreign matter separator as standard, which separates out stones and metal parts using gravity.

                                            Compact design
                                            Thanks to its compact design, the machine is easy to integrate. It is even no problem to retrofit it into an existing system. For three steps in your process, you only need a few square meters, which includes space for service and maintenance.

                                            The QuickService concept
                                            Both the progressive cavity pump in the CC series as well as the components in the mixing chamber are easy to service. On the basis of the QuickService concept for the CC series, all of the parts, from the rotor-stator unit, via the shaft seal through to the tools on the mixing shaft are easy to replace on site.

                                            Sturdy drive
                                            The CC Mix is driven with a sturdy parallel shaft geared motor with a high operating factor. This is mounted directly onto the drive shaft so an additional coupling is not needed.

                                            Both the mixing chamber as well as the mixing shaft, as well as all of the steel parts in the mixing chamber are made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel or some other corrosion-resistant material. The sturdy design is the basis for the intensive and energy efficient preparation of the biomass.

                                            Sturdy and protected cardan shaft
                                            A generously sized cardan shaft with two cardan joints ensures reliable transmission of the drive power in the CC series from the parallel shaft geared motor to the rotor. A sturdy sleeve – which doesn’t even have to be disassembled when changing the rotor – protects the shaft against solid and fibrous matter and against foreign matter in the medium.

                                          • PREMIX

                                          • THE UNIVERSAL 4-IN-1 FLUID FEEDING SYSTEM

                                            • Mashes a wide variety of biomass to a homogeneous organic suspension
                                            • Separates out heavy material and shreds the solids before the pump unit
                                            • Compact dimensions and easy to link in so its integration is uncomplicated
                                            • Easy to feed several digesters with just one PreMix
                                            • Easy and quick service on site


                                            Unique concept
                                            The PreMix is distinguished by its unique concept: In a PreMix heavy material is separated out and material with long fibers is shredded before entering the pump unit. This enables even difficult and demanding input materials to be reliably prepared, protecting the pump unit and significantly extending the service life.

                                            Compact design
                                            The unique arrangement of the components and the direct connection between the RotaCut and the suction housing of the pump unit creates an extremely compact feeding system which is easy to integrate, even when retrofitting on existing systems. For four steps, you only need a few square meters, which includes space for service and maintenance.

                                            Both for the progressive cavity pump in the CC series as well as for the RotaCut in the RCX series, all of the necessary service and maintenance work is easy to do on site, without having to disassemble the lines going to and from the units or any parts of the PreMix.

                                            Sturdy drive
                                            Both the RotaCut RCX cutter as well as the progressive cavity pump in the CC series are driven by a sturdy helical shaft mounting geared motor with a high operating factor. This is mounted directly onto the drive shaft so an additional coupling is not needed.

                                            The housing parts are made of steel. The torsionally stiff design is the basis for the intensive preparation of the biomass in the smallest space. Hot dip galvanization protects the parts of the housing from corrosion.

                                            Sturdy and protected cardan shaft
                                            A generously sized cardan shaft with two cardan joints ensures reliable transmission of the drive power in the CC series from the parallel shaft geared motor to the rotor. A sturdy sleeve – which doesn’t even have to be disassembled when changing the rotor – protects the shaft against solid and fibrous matter and against foreign matter in the medium.

                                            Blade adjustment with ACC
                                            Readjusting the blades in the RotaCut RCX with the ACCplus ensures that there is permanent, direct contact between the blades and the screen. It is only this contact which makes it possible to reliably shred materials with long fibers. In addition to this, the ACCplus monitors the state of the blades online, shows it on an external display and in the control system during normal operation.


                                        • Vogelsang systems for online monitoring and data acquisition for railway transportation

                                          As the experts know, what goes on in railway depots is essentially the same as rush-hour traffic in a big city. Operators of railway tracks just can't afford to have traffic jams, accidents, or breakdowns. It is therefore of tremendous economic importance to directly monitor the location of passenger cars and any malfunctions in service and maintenance stations by means of central data acquisition. This can then also be used as the basis for inspections.

                                          Vogelsang provides its customers with technical systems to meet this need:

                                          • UICScan: Vogelsang's highly developed scanning system for automatic detection of the UIC number of passenger cars—which works even during the night.
                                          • VEBSys: The web-based system for monitoring the facilities required in a smoothly functioning railway operation.
                                            • UICSCAN

                                            • THE SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFICATION IN RAIL TRANSPORT APPLICATIONS

                                              • Ready for immediate use, vehicles require no extra equipment
                                              • Reliable thanks to use of video technology
                                              • For high drive-through speeds
                                              • Documentation of additional parameters, such as speed
                                              • Can be combined with additional service systems


                                              • Train stations
                                              • Service and maintenance stations
                                              • Washing bays
                                            • VEBSYS


                                              • Real-time monitoring thanks to web-based control applications
                                              • Possibility to control third party systems (if they are interface-compatible)
                                              • Safety operation thanks to an early intervention
                                              • Extra modules available for authorization and control
                                              • User friendly interface


                                              • Train stations
                                              • Service and maintenance stations
                                              • Washing bays