With our smart modules you increase the competitiveness of your software considerably. With our many years of knowledge about the integration into technology-based offline programming systems you shorten the time to market entry decisively for yourself.
Let your application benefit from EASY-ROB™.
EASY-ROB™ is a harmonized family of software modules for planning, programming and simulation of a wide range of industrial robots and kinematics. With EASY-ROB™, you can plan your robot work cells on the PC, check accessibility, collisions, traversing ranges, estimate cycle times, and thus increase planning security and significantly shorten commissioning times.
To meet your individual needs, EROSA (EASY-ROB™ Open Software Architecture) provides a powerful programming interface (API) that allows you to customize EASY-ROB™ products to your specific needs. In addition to EASY-ROB™ products, the EASY-ROB Software GmbH offers its many years of experience in software development, simulation and robotics.
The EASY-ROB™ Robotics Simulation Kernel is designed for integration in technology-based software applications (host application) from OEM partners. Only API functions and services for the robot functionality are provided.
You need Robotics functionality for your OLP software?
Then the EASY-ROB™ Kernel is exactly the right solution.
With the Kernel, you now have instandly more than 1000 robots for kinematic calculations, and a trajectory planner (motion interpolation) for PTP, SLEW, LIN, and CIRC motions. A powerful collision detection and numerous mathematical functions are also available.
The EASY-ROB™ Kernel is designed as a plug in for integration in technology-based software applications (host application) from OEM partners. Only API functions and services for the robot functionality are provided.
The host application handles 3D visualization as well as the administration of all geometries and handles of all kinematics.
The Robotics Simulation Kernel accesses the EASY-ROB™ robot libraries.
With currently more than 1000 models you are always on the safe side, no matter which robot you want to simulate in the future.
ABB, b+m, Comau, Denso, Dürr, Eisenmann, FANUC, Guedel, igm, Kawasaki, KUKA, Mitsubishi, OTC-Daihen, PKM Delta, Reis, STÄUBLI, Tricept®, Unimation, Universal Robots, YASKAWA.
The ERK Trajectory Planner allows to set a target position with SET_NEXT_TARGET for each loaded kinematic, which is then accessed by cyclically calling GET_NEXT_STEP.
Furthermore, any ToolPathes that contain any targets with motion attributes such as motion type, speed, acceleration, job data, external axis values, etc. can be generated.
Extend the functionality of your Kernel thanks to the modular design of our software.
Calculation of the external axis values of ToolPath targets for 1 or 2-axis positioners depending on defined constraints, e.g. regarding the tool orientation.
Individual adjustments and extensions of the ToolBox functionality after agreement and clarification of the technical requirements possible.
The number of robots and / or kinematics is not limited.
Synchronized movements with external positioner (geometric coupling) Travel modes: LIN, CIRC and PTP
The EASY-ROB™ Robotics Framework (ERF) is an SDK designed to develop technology-based software applications for
OEM partners.
By using API-functions or exported methods class ER_CAPI you can access bidirectional the EASY-ROB™ Robotics Framework.
The EASY-ROB ™ Robotics Framework starts as an OpenGL ™ window without a title, menu, toolbars and status bar and can be placed anywhere within the own application with the window handles.
Existing work cells, robots, devices, assemblies, tools, etc. can be loaded, linked and controlled via the API. The user has all the robot functionality at his disposal.
If a collision is detected during the simulation or if traversing ranges or speeds are exceeded, EASY-ROB ™ reports these events to the user application, which can react accordingly.
The Robotics Framework accesses the EASY-ROB™ robot libraries.
With currently more than 1000 models you are always on the safe side, no matter which robot you want to simulate in the future.
ABB, b+m, Comau, Denso, Dürr, Eisenmann, FANUC, Guedel, igm, Kawasaki, KUKA, Mitsubishi, OTC-Daihen, PKM Delta, Reis, STÄUBLI, Tricept®, Unimation, Universal Robots, YASKAWA.
With the aid of the API-Sensors interface you can connect external devices e.g. as a SpaceMouse or digitizers directly to EASY-ROB™ for recording joint values and Cartesian positions for visualization.
The powerful EASY-ROB™ VISU is designed for integration into technology-based software applications. Finally, visualize processes, display problems, or just let your customers and colleagues see the new project-
With EASY-ROB™ VISU, Industry 4.0 starts in your own software solution!
The high-performance EASY-ROB™ Collision is used for integration into technology-based software applications. Quickly and accurately check your 3D application for collisions-
It doesn‘t matter how big your models are, you can rely on EASY-ROB™ Collision!
Software for users .Benefit from 20 years of user experience and experience far more than 1000 robot models!
The EASY-ROB™ App handles all your virtual process steps and is intended for end users with end-to-end simulation support.
From the planning of the robot work cell to the checking of accessibility, collisions and travel ranges, to the cycle time estimation and program generation.
The EASY-ROB™ App is available in two versions: Simulate & Professional.
EASY-ROB™ delivers you libraries of all major robot brands of the market immediately.
All models containing information on travel ranges, speeds, acceleration, offsets and rotational directions of axes according to the manufacturer’s specifications or from the respective data sheet.
Unavailable robots, machines, tools and handling systems can be easily and quickly “rebuild virtually” in EASY-ROB™.
In order to achieve realistic simulation results, the attributes can be adapted according to the requirements and saved as a stand-alone robot model.
We are happy to offer you our services for your special kinematics.
ABB, b+m, Comau, Denso, Dürr, Eisenmann, FANUC, Guedel, igm, Kawasaki, KUKA, Mitsubishi, OTC-Daihen, PKM Delta, Reis, STÄUBLI, Tricept®, Unimation, Universal Robots, YASKAWA.
The number of robots and programs per work cell is not limited.
Robots can be synchronized and moved at the same time, whereby the programs communicate via I/O signals.
EASY-ROB™ Multi-Robot version offers the full range of functionality.
Take advantage of the new EASY-ROB ™ 3D PDF export and create an animated PDF document of your simulation process in just a few steps.
Also available as SDK:
Integrate functions required in your technology-based software via C / C ++ and C # method class.
Creation of video files (AVI) and animated VRML sequences
Optionally available: RunTime
For the production of protected working cells. Thereby you can load and simulate existing work cells with the free EASY-ROB™ Viewer for example for presentation purposes.