The NOVA-System is a BUS-System developed by the mechonics ag with the aim to connect different micro positioning device together to one system with a central power delivery and unified driver architecture. The mechonics ag is a provider of piezoelectric inertial drives and dedicated controllers. The company uses an established field bus system (CAN) and combines it with a power delivery system with 5V and 42V voltage suppliers, which are necessary to drive piezoelectric controllers in connection with mechonics ag positioners. The NOVA-Bus is deliberately restricted to a subset of the rich features of the CAN-Bus in order to protect the user from complex network problems. For this system different positioners like piezoelectric inertial drives, stepper motors and sensors are available. All connected NOVA-Devices can be accessed by address, command numbers and command data. The main advantages are: All devices within a network can be reached by the same application and all messages from the devices are automatically stored on the NOVA-Stack, which is accessible by the user. The power delivery system allows the operation of devices. No further power supplies are necessary. Operation within a regular CAN-Bus system with external power supply is also possible. NOVA-Bus controllers for all existing mechonics ag positioners are available.
The main advantages are:
• All devices of a network are reachable from the same Application and all answers from the devices are on the NOVA-Stack and readably.
• The power delivery system facilitates the connection of devices.
• No special power supplies are necessary.
• If the NOVA-System should no longer be supported, it may be possible to utilize the device in a CAN-Bus system.
• For all existing positioner there are comparable controllers for the NOVA-Bus.
Our high precision positioners are used in many experiments in the chemistry. They achieve highest positioning accuracy up to the range of some nanometers as well as extremely uniform movements with the multi-phase drive DSP 50. Optical sensors are detecting optionally the movements and are allowing repeatability in the range of some nanometers.
Hereby this piezo inertial drives are the ideal components for micro-/nano-indent-applications as well as for experiments in nano tribology.
For example our smallest positioner MS15 is as an xyz combination used in various indenters.
Products for the use in chemistry:
CH30 motor controller
CU30 motor controller
Our high precision positioners and actors are used in many optical, contactless experiments in the physics as well as in applications for the
nano metrology. They offer for all technological improvement positioning precision in the range of sub nanometers as well as extremely uniform movements with the multi-phase drive DSP50. Optical sensors are detecting optionally the movements and are allowing repeatability in the range of some nanometers.
Piezo actuators and nano metrology sensors from mechOnics are the ideal positioners for the various experiments in physics.
For example the precision positioner MS30 in connection with the linear measuring system PS30 are allowing the positioning of optics in delay-lines with highest precision and repeatability.
Products for the use in physics:
CH30 controller
CU30 controller
Minature Translation Stage MS30
These piezo inertial drives are used in many fields of industry, in which parts have to positioned in the range of sub µm range.
For example the micro positionerMS30 is used in many industrial lasers in positioning of optics – even in the cavity of the lasers.
Integrated metrology systems feature resolution in the nanometer and sub-nanometer range for closed-loop operation with USB-controllers are used in semiconductor industry.
Furthermore the ultra-compact micro positioners MS15 are used in SEM microscopes both for the movement of the probe and the rough positioning of the probe tip.
Recent advances in biotechnology and related sciences have increased the need for high-speed, high precision positioning systems. Please read on for a few examples.
Our piezo actuators for long travels can be used to precisely focus a microscope objective over up to 30 mm, and they can also help to sort cells rapidly. Drug screening applications demand nanoliter dispensing capabilities, yet another application where the precision and extreme lifetime of mechOnics piezo actuators.
The scanning optical microscope — one of the cutting-edge tools for DNA research — is not feasible without piezo positioning systems.
Especially combinations from our micro positioning stage MS30 together with the linear measuring system PS30 offers you the possibility to reach repeatabilities better than 50 nm.
Moore's Law keeps compressing IC line widths and feature-sizes. In order to keep up, nanopositioning mechanisms and precision motion control systems embedded in front-end production and metrology tools must provide 10 to 1000x higher precision than feature size. Conventional positioning systems do not provide the required stability and precision.
mechOnics offers a wide variety of piezo based solutions: from the very compact miniature positioner MS15 to the ultra-high-performance long-travel nanopositioning piezo stages MS30.
Other precision motion products include the piezo tilt platform MT25 for beam stabilization / correction.
Optical nanometrology sensors of the series PS30 measure the motion down to the nanometer range with very high bandwidth.
Piezo positioning systems are fundamental tools for nanotechnology applications. Their extreme precision makes them vital components in applications such as nanoimprint, nanoassembly, nano-data storage and nanofabrication.
In addition to micro positioners with long travel ranges mechonics also designs advanced piezo controllers that provide very high bandwidth to drive also multi-phase actuators as the DSP50.
Piezo actuators of mechOnics provide very long travel ranges and require little to no power in quasistatic applications. This performs these actuators for the work in a vacuum – conditions which can be found in space applications or at many new experiments for physics.
All our stages are available for vacuum from 10-6 mbar to 10-9 mbar. In collaboration with our customers also positioners were designed to work up to 10-11 mbar.
Piezo actuators of mechOnics provide very long travel ranges and require little to no power in quasistatic applications. This performs these actuators for the work
at very low temperatures – conditions which can be found in space applications.
Also many new experiments for physics where our micro positioners are used can be done at Helium temperature (4K) to avoid Brownian motion.
In optical experiments our piezo inertial drives can be used in the following applications.
On the one hand you can adjust optical elements with the linear positioning stage MS38 which offers you a free aperture of 10 mm over the complete travel range of 8 mm.
On the other hand you can use the piezo tilt platform MT25 in an optical path to adjust the beam in two orthogonal axes very accurate. The fee optical aperture of the MT25 offers you the possibility to use transmitting optics.