Mixed or pre-sorted industrial and commercial waste
contains raw materials that can be recovered by means of mechanical
processing. Mechanical recycling equipment supplied by Eggersmann separates
recyclable waste by composition and particle size to deliver the recovered
raw materials in a particularly effective and efficient way, in accordance
with application and material requirements.
The size of each plant system is based on a detailed analysis of the
substances being handled and the required quantities of recycled raw
material. High-performance components developed by us in house guarantee
maximum purity, reliability and fine-tuned capacity as required.
The entire design and setup procedure is placed in the expert hands of our
highly-qualified, multi-disciplinary team.
Aerobic Waste Treatment
According to the name, aerobic waste treatment is a process in which the biological decomposition of organic waste takes place using oxygen from the ambient air. We offer various options for this:
Product Highlights
The LANE TURNER LT are lane turners for working in open, high lanes. They are the perfect solution for turning in closed buildings.
Tunnel composting is even profitable with low input quantities. By increasing the modular tunnel units it can also be used for very large throughput quantities.
Tunnel composting is suitable for aerobic treatment of bio waste and mixed household and kitchen waste as well as for composting of digestates of an upstream fermentation system. As part of the nutrient cycle of heterotrophic microorganisms, which disintegrate organic material in a controlled environment under the influence of atmospheric oxygen (aerobic) and transform it to water-soluble minerals and humus-rich compost in several intermediate steps, the composting process is significantly dependent on the process parameters oxygen, moisture content and temperature.
The widest range of machine widths for every application, the most comprehensive standard equipment and the best range of optional customization options make us the first choice on the market. Coupled with almost 40 years of experience, expert advice and excellentservice, today our Eggersmann BACKHUS stand for professional turning all over the world.
Biological drying stabilises the material, increases the calorific value (substitute fuel), reduces the volume and simplifies the separation of different components.
The CONVAERO drying system provides a controlled and monitored environment in which the micro-organisms decompose organic material under the specially developed CONVAERO membrane cover. An aeration system in the base provides a steady flow of air through the waste to remove moisture while maintaining sufficient heat for water evaporation. This utilises the natural process heat generated by the microorganisms present in the waste during the decomposition of the organic material. The temperature in the waste pile can thus rise to 60 to 70 °C. The water is efficiently evaporated without additional heat input. After a drying process lasting from two to four weeks, the rest of the waste is a dry (≤ 20% moisture), odourless and stable mixture that is safe to handle and easy to separate.
Oxygen supply, temperature, moisture - the CONVAERO system creates optimum conditions for the microorganisms required for composting.
The CONAVERO membrane creates a controlled and monitored environment in which the microorganisms decompose the organic matter. The aeration system integrated into the base provides a steady flow of air through the waste to maintain aerobic conditions, creating an ideal environment for the composting process. The temperature rises to 55 - 65°C and ensures reliable hygienisation of the compost.
Depending on the composition of the input material, the ambient temperature and humidity, the logistics on the plant and any preceding and subsequent processes, the CONVAERO process and its capacity are adjusted to the desired degree of maturity (degree of rotting). Every product stage can be achieved, from fresh compost to fully matured compost. The material is covered for the entire duration of the process. Alternatively, it is possible to remove the covers during the later stabilisation and maturing phase.
Only a fraction of the energy generated flows into the plant's own energy consumption. Together with the high biogas yield, this makes the process particularly efficient.
BEKON is the only supplier to offer either a continuous or discontinuous process to suit customer requirements.
The core of the Eggersmann FUEL process is biological drying using the CONVAERO system. This is installed before the usual mechanical treatment. The proven and robust process is designed to treat both small and very large quantities of waste. In addition, the standardised process allows affordable waste treatment also in countries, where landfilling or dumping of waste still is the main or only disposal method. The mass to be landfilled is reduced to only 20 % of the original waste and emissions from the uncontrolled decomposition of the organic fraction are avoided. Fossil fuels can also be saved.
The widest range of machine widths for every application, the most comprehensive standard equipment and the best range of optional customization options make us the first choice on the market. Coupled with almost 40 years of experience, expert advice and excellentservice, today our Eggersmann BACKHUS stand for professional turning all over the world.
Product highlights
The application possibilities of our twin shaft shredders are exceptionally diverse. Due to the asynchronous mode of operation typical for FORUS, even materials that can be wound can be handled without any problems. Here are some examples for which material our FORUS shredders can be used:
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Lane width: 6 m
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Lane width: 8 m
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Lane width: 10 m
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Lane width: 4.5-5 m
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