The circular economy is a model based on the idea of an economy that is capable of regenerating itself.
The term circular is used precisely to indicate the contrast with the common (linear) economic model based on: production, use and waste.
- Return biological materials to the environment
- Give new life to technological components, preventing them from affecting the environment
In fact, in the case of the circular economy the key concept is the recovery and reuse of existing materials and products.
Once it reaches the end of its life cycle, a product can be broken down into its parts and reintroduced into the economic cycle, thereby reusing it in the production cycle and generating value.
Unlike the linear economic model which provides for enormous quantities of energy and raw materials to be used in the production phase and which does not focus on the problem of waste, the circular economy starts from waste, to reduce the quantities and lengthen the life-cycle of products.
The circular economy results in:
- A favorable impact on the climate. Reduction of energy consumption and CO₂ emissions
- More rational use and processing of raw materials, to reduce environmental exploitation
- Increased competitiveness and a drive towards innovation
- Economic and employment growth