Company Profile

Hohner Automáticos has a wide range of incremental and absolute encoders, different lineal measuring systems and all the accessories that you may need for the correct assembly of our sensors. In the other sensors section, you will find potentiometers, inclinometers and counters.

The central headquarters of Hohner Automaticos SL is situated in Breda, province of Girona, in the northwest of Spain, only a few kilometres away from the French border and very close to Barcelona, in one of the most deeply-rooted industrial networks of the country and with big firms, whose common impulse is investment in I+D+I

Hohner Automáticos SL was founded in 1983. One of the founding partners, Juan Liarte, is still the major shareholder of the firm, thus guaranteeing the continuity and the compliance of the strategic plan that has taken the firm to the present level of development, on the basis of some fundamental, permanent and absolute values, such as integrity, respect for the individual person an the environmental responsibility and also on the basis of some of the firm’s values: client orientation, investment in investigation and development and all those tools that help us become better as a firm at service of a client and of a very demanding market.