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  • Offer Profile
  • We improve your productivity That’s a promise

    Faster, accurate and reliable; we understand your continuous manufacturing challenges. Precision and efficiency are essential in CNC machining.

    At Unisign, we believe we can improve the productivity of your manufacturing process. How? By performing machining operations faster, more efficiently, more accurately and more cheaply on our CNC machines.

    We don’t only believe this... we guarantee it.

Product Portfolio
  • Portal CNC Machines: Ideal for almost any machining task

  • flexible, fast and accurate
    cnc gantry machines for multi-sided machining of large products

    Unisign develops, manufactures and supplies a wide range of CNC machines with a portal for machining metal products. The machines in our Uniport series are particularly suitable if you need to machine large components from more than one side. Our CNC machines offer you the flexibility to do this rapidly and accurately.

    We don’t simply configure a machine for the products you are manufacturing now, we look further ahead and consider what you might require in the near future. Perhaps you will need 3 axis or 5-sided machining or 5 axis simultaneous milling. Whatever your situation, we will help you make these and other choices when configuring your CNC machine.

      • UNIPORT4000

      • Multi-sided machining in single set-up - Large working areasmall footprint

        Flexible all-rounder

        For OEMs in the metalworking industry flexibility is extremely important. This makes the Uniport 4000 the ideal gantry style machine for a whole range of applications, particularly for large and relatively flat components. This compact travelling bridge CNC machining centre is the smallest portal machine in our range and has a stationary machine bed and a movable bridge. The rigid construction and double cross rail ensure high stability. Options include split work zones for pendulum machining, an extra fast spindle for high-speed cutting, and more tool pockets.


        • X-axis: 2.000-20.000+ mm
        • Y-axis: 1.000-3.500 mm
        • Z-axis: 500 mm
        • Vertical clearance: 610 mm
        • Width between column: 1.050 - 3.550 mm
        • Direct driven spindle: 36/58 kW, 12.000/16.000 min-1, 135/180 Nm
      • UNIPORT6000

      • Economical manufacture of large components - 5-sided machining and vertical turning

        Powerful all-rounder

        The Uniport 6000 is the ideal choice for multi-sided manufacturing of large components in the most economical way. It is available in gantry configuration or as a moving table with pallet changer. The high vertical clearance and an optional carousel turning station address even the most challenging workpieces. The choice of machining heads enables milling, drilling, tapping, turning and even grinding and rolling – all in a single, small footprint machine.


        • X-axis: 4.000-20.000+ mm
        • Y-axis: 1.500-4.000 mm
        • Z-axis: 800 / 1.000 / 1.250 mm
        • Vertical clearance: 1.100 / 1.300 / 1.550 mm
        • Width between column: s1.500 - 4.000 mm
        • Gear box driven spindle: 36/54 kW,
          6.000 min-1, 720/1.000 Nm
      • UNIPORT7000

      • 5-axis machining capability - Superb rigidity and accuracy

        Flexible and economic

        The Uniport 7000 is the economic solution to flexible manufacturing. This high-rail gantry machine with its travelling bridge and stationary table is our most flexible machine platform. It will perform 5-sided machining inside the component and has short changeover times and a large working envelope, making it a truly cost-effective production choice for a really wide range of applications. The innovative ‘box-in-box’ construction guarantees superb rigidity and very stable and accurate production processes.

        • X-axis: 6.000 - 20.000+ mm
        • Y-axis: 2.500 - 6.500 mm
        • Z-axis: 1.250 - 1.600 mm
        • Vertical clearance: 1.500 / 1.750 / 2.000 mm
        • Width between column: s1.500 - 4.000 mm
        • Gear box driven spindle: 42/73 kW,
          6.000 min-1, 1.600 Nm
      • UNIPORT6000-HV

      • Extreme machining angles - Simultaneous 5-axis capability

        True flexibility

        The HV (horizontal/vertical) variant of the Uniport 6000 is a truly cost-effective choice for 5-axis machining of large components. In addition to its generous daylight opening, the Uniport 6000-HV features a tilting nutator head. This can travel through an angle of 100°, going from a vertical plane to 10° over the horizontal, making it possible to adopt even the most extreme machining angles. Coupled with outstanding price/performance, this compact portal machine is a must if you’re looking for true flexbility.


        • X-axis: 4.000 - 20.000 + mm
        • Y-axis: 2.500 - 6.000 mm
        • Z-axis: 1.500 / 1.800 mm
        • Vertical clearance: 1.700 / 2.000 mm
        • Distance spindle nose
          to table vertical position200 - 2.000 mm
        • Distance spindle nose
          to table horizontal position190 - 1.950 mm
        • Width between column: s1.500 - 4.000 mm
        • Nutator head with motor spindle63 / 82 kW,
          8.000 / 15.000min-1, 391 / 550 Nm
        • B-axis± 110°
        • C-axis± 185°
    • Multi-Task CNC Machines: Improve your production quality and output

    • best of both worlds
      multitasking cnc machines for high quality milling and turning

      When milling and turning are integrated in one CNC machine, one of the two operations often remains predominant. You will find many CNC milling machines with turning functionality added and conversely, many CNC lathes with milling functionality added. With our multitasking CNC machines you get the best of both worlds: high-quality and high-capacity milling and turning operations are carried out by one and the same machine, where both operations are in balance.At Unisign we don’t like making concessions. Which is why we have created a series of CNC machines that can perform milling and turning (including drilling) operations with high capacity and accuracy. Whether you select our Uniport 7000-MTC, Unicom 6000, Unicom 7000, Unicom 7000-XL, or our Uniport 6000 or 7000 with an integrated carousel station will depend on the dimensions of your metal products. But your choice will also determine the way you want to work. Would you prefer to change and clamp products on the machine manually, or would you rather leave this to an automatic pallet changer?

        • UNICOM6000

        • Automatic pallet changer for high uptime - Ideal for multi-tasking on complex components

          Quality and productivity

          The UNICOM6000 is a multi-task machining centre that combines quality and productivity. It is capable of performing milling, drilling and vertical turning operations with ease. This workhorse machine has the distinct advantage of a ram design that allows ‘plunging’ inside the component with short turning tools. It can be equipped with several machining heads, which are stored in designated pick-up stations. For horizontal machining operations, an indexable right angular head is available and to create even further flexibility, a universal head with B- and C-axis can be integrated. The automatic pallet changer reduces loading times and ensures a high uptime to boost productivity. Even with its focus on output, this machine makes no compromise on accuracy.


          • X-axis: 1.950 mm
          • Y-axis: 1.425 mm
          • Z-axis: 1.000 mm
          • Vertical clearnance1.330 mm
          • Table size: ø: 1.250 - 1.800 mm
          • Swing circle: ø:: 2.000 mm, 70/95 kW, 25.000/38.000 Nm
          • Gear box driven spindle: 54 kW, 6.000 min-1, 1.000 Nm
        • UNICOM7000

        • Powerful turning with 5-axis machining - High productivity on taller components

          More productivity

          More capacity and more clearance in the working envelope…the Unicom 7000 is all about achieving more productivity for larger components. Like its brother – the Unicom 6000 – this multi-task portal machine delivers the output without sacrificing the quality. What makes it different from the 6000 is that the standard configuration includes a vertical carousel station and pallet changer, and allows for much bigger pallet sizes. With fewer setups and shorter lead times, this extremely accurate machine is a favourite for taking on big work pieces in high output manufacturing.


          • X-axis: 2.675 mm
          • Y-axis: 2.300 mm
          • Z-axis: 1.600 mm
          • Vertical clearance: 1.800-2.200 mm
          • Table size: ø: 1.250 - 1.800 mm
          • Swing circle: ø: 2.000/2.200 mm, 70/95 kW, 25.000/38.000 Nm
          • Gear box driven spindle: 42 kW, 6.000 min-1, 1.600 Nm
        • UNIPORT7000-MTC

        • Mill-Turn capabilities - Powerful machining

          Short lead times

          When you need the flexibility of mill-turn operations on both single part and series production, choose the Uniport 7000-MTC. This multi-task machine achieves extremely short lead times and very high accuracy, and is ideal for quick-response manufacturing. A high-rail gantry machine with a travelling bridge and stationary carousel turning station, it is built on our most flexible machine platform. It will perform 5-axis machining within a large working envelope, making it a truly cost-effective production choice for a wide range of applications. The innovative ‘box-in-box’ construction guarantees superb rigidity and very stable and accurate production processes.


          • X-axis: 3.000-6.500 mm
          • Y-axis: 2.000-3.500 mm
          • Z-axis: 1.600 mm
          • Distance spindle nose to table: 500 - 2.100 mm
          • Table size: ø: 2.000-6.000 mm
          • Swing circle: ø: 2.500-6.500 mm,
            95 kW, up to 135.000 Nm
          • Gear box driven spindle: 42/73 kW, 6.000 min-1, 1.600 Nm
        • UNICOM7000-XL

        • 4 m Y-axis - 4 m diameter

          Big advantages

          This extra large capacity machining solution for turning and milling really big parts offers more clearance in the Y-axis and can be stepped up in the X-axis to 5 metres. Like the Unicom 7000, this multi-task portal machine manages to deliver high output without sacrificing accuracy or quality. The standard configuration includes a vertical carousel turning station, head changer and pallet changer for big pallet sizes. With less handling and fewer setups lead times are shorter, boosting productivity of extra large work pieces.


          • X-axis: 3.500-5.000 mm
          • Y-axis: 2.500-4.000 mm
          • Z-axis: 1.600 mm
          • Vertical clearance: 2.000/2.300 mm
          • Table size: ø: 2.000 - 4.000 mm
          • Swing circle: ø: 3.000 - 4.500 mm, 70/98 kW, 33.000-70.000 Nm
          • Gear box driven spindle: 42 kW, 6.000 min-1, 1.600 Nm
      • Dedicated CNC Machines: UNISIGN can supply dedicated solutions

      • meeting your requirements
        cnc machines for industry-specific applications

        When you procure a new CNC machine for machining metal products, you naturally look at the operations you want to perform on it. And it goes without saying that you want to process your product as accurately, quickly and as efficiently as possible. Depending on your specifications and requirements, you will select a specific type of CNC machining centre. But there are also situations in which your product requires a CNC machine to be developed from scratch. We start with a clean drawing board to create a CNC machine specific to your product and industry.

        At Unisign we have considerable experience building dedicated CNC machining centres for the logistics industry (trucks, trains, forklift trucks). 

          • UNIMAST

          • High flexibility - Multi-sided machining and automatic feeding of profiles

            Front axles in rapid tempo

            For OEMs wanting real productivity, the Unitwin 6000 is a state-of-the-art machining centre. It cuts cycle times on axle manufacture dramatically – down to as little as 4½ minutes per axle! Equipped with twin spindles that operate either simultaneously or independently, this unique all-in-one solution can machine various kingpin angles. And because the spindles tilt, the Unitwin 6000 can perform all sorts of operations: milling, drilling, boring & reaming. It’s a complete machining centre, offering an excellent return on investment.


            • X-axis: 4 200 mm
            • Y-axis: 600 mm
            • Z-axis: 500 mm
            • Distance between spindle units: 200 - 700 mm
            • Motor spindle: 100 KW, 25.000 min-1, 90 Nm
            • B-axis tilting: ± 15°
          • UNITWIN6000

          • 2powerful main spindles, 4.5minutes per axle! - World leaderin front axles since 1996

            Front axles in rapid tempo

            For OEMs wanting real productivity, the Unitwin 6000 is a state-of-the-art machining centre. It cuts cycle times on axle manufacture dramatically – down to as little as 4½ minutes per axle! Equipped with twin spindles that operate either simultaneously or independently, this unique all-in-one solution can machine various kingpin angles. And because the spindles tilt, the Unitwin 6000 can perform all sorts of operations: milling, drilling, boring & reaming. It’s a complete machining centre, offering an excellent return on investment.


            • X-axis: 4 200 mm
            • Y-axis: 600 mm
            • Z-axis: 500 mm
            • Distance between spindle units: 200 - 700 mm
            • Motor spindle: 100 KW, 25.000 min-1, 90 Nm
            • B-axis tilting: ± 15°
          • UNIAXLE

          • Rear axle machining in a single setup

            Our UNIAXLE is a revolutionary new CNC machine for machining welded and cast truck rear axles!

            You can machine complete truck rear axles in just one set up on ONE single machine. It’s faster, more accurate and saves you money. You won’t need so many different machines, thus saving space on the shop floor. The UNIAXLE CNC machine is universal and can machine a wide variety of rear axles.

            Unique technology – turning head

            The UNIAXLE CNC machine is unique: with a cutting tool rotating around the rear axle. The turning head we use is an innovation from our own R&D department. With this innovation we found the ideal balance between accuracy, speed and flexibility.

            Simultaneous milling and turning

            In addition to the unique head, this CNC machine also has a milling spindle. All turning and milling operations on the rear axle are carried out at the same time. Another advantage is the rotation unit which turns the rear axle through 90 degrees so the milling spindle can also machine the rear axle banjo.

            Single clamping

            A production line with multiple machines requires many different operations. The frequent lifting, moving and setup operations influence the lead time as well as the accuracy of the machining. Single clamping means greater process reliability and a significant reduction in changeover times!

        • Applications

            • general machining

            • At Unisign we understand that our customers don’t just buy a machine, they buy a process. And price per part is key. So for general applications we offer high torque machines with high material removal rates, including 5-axis and 5-sided machining and a choice of moving table or palletized, depending on the footprint available.

              • machine frames
              • traverses
              • side walls for printing machines
              • material handling parts
              • rotary frame for textile printing machine
              • separators
              • boiler plates
              • torsional elastic steel spring couplings
              • plate-fin heat exchanger/surface cooler
              • disc harrows/ploughs
              • flange, sliding shoe pump, piston
              • cylinder exchange for circular knitting machines
              • machine beds
            • energy

            • Heavy duty turning, milling and drilling characterises the production of components for energy-producing equipment like (wind) turbines. So you need a machine that can take the load. A mill-turn machining centre like the UNICOM6000 and the UNIPORT7000-MTC or a multi- functional UNIPORT6000 are the ideal solution for producing these demanding parts. Pumps and valves for the oil and gas industry can be highly complex parts to produce with seals, gaskets, flanges and requirements like spiral grooves and elliptical conical eccentric turning. The machining centres from Unisign, with their high degree of automation and specially designed software, are a unique solution capable of milling parts that others cannot.


              • planetary gear boxes
              • bearings
              • pump housings, valve housings
              • turbo charger casings
              • turbine & generator parts
              • impellers for industrial blowers
              • triple offset butterfly valve
              • control valves
              • sub-sea valves
            • Logistics - truck

            • With over a million truck front axles being produced every year on Unisign machines it’s fair to say that we know what we are talking about in applications like these for the truck makers industry. We have established a world leading position by introducing the Unitwin6000, a machine with two very powerful main spindles. The improvement in quality and reduction in cycle time is astonishing!

              • truck front axles
              • truck rear axles
              • chassis side members
              • cylinder head
              • engine block
              • forklift mast channels
              • excavator frames, crane beams
            • Logistics - train

            • For everything from bogies to wheels and weld preparation to wheel carrier machining, Unisign has highly versatile machines like, Uniport6000 and Uniport7000. Thesegantry style machining canters are part of the machine tool program that have been designed to deliver extremely high capacity, dynamics, rapid acceleration and offer a generous working area.

              • railway bogie frame machining
              • steel plate weld preparation
              • side and roof panels