Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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- Offer Profile
The Hatsopolous Microfluids laboratory (HML) was
created within the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a center for research
activities which focus on understanding the dynamics of fluid with
microstructure and the emerging science of microfluidics. The HML consists of a
single open-plan 6300 ft2 laboratory that houses seven active and three emeritus
faculty plus over 45 students and postdoctoral researchers. A broad overview of
the principal research areas of faculty members within the laboratory is
summarized below:- Optical imaging of complex flows
- Rheology and dynamics of complex fluids
- Dynamics of thin films
- Flow stability
- Flow-structure interactions
- Flow in microfluidic devices and 'lab-on-a-chip' applications
- Biofluid mechanics and biorheology
- Capillary phenomena and contact line dynamics
Product Portfolio
- The snail may seem like a humble creature, but it turns
out walking with one foot on a trail of slime is quite a feat.
For the first time, researchers have developed a robotic snail that can do
just that. Prof. Anette Hosoi at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and her team, including graduate student Brian Chan, have developed
RoboSnails I and II that move the way snails do. The battery-powered devices
are larger than the average snail and don't exactly resemble the mollusks,
but they crawl using two modes of locomotion that snails employ to travel
across their trails of slime. The team published the results of its work in
the most recent issue of the Physics of Fluid. See the
RoboClam - The smart anchor
- The first reduction to practice of razor clam-inspired
burrowing is RoboClam This robot mimics a razor clam’s shell kinematics, can
be scaled larger or smaller than real clams, and is portable for testing in
marine sediments. We are using RoboClam1 to measure relationships between
environmental parameters, such as substrate type and burrow depth, and
performance parameters, such as burrowing velocity and energy consumption.
These tests will give us the parametric understanding required to form
design rules for devices that exploit razor clam digging mechanisms.
RoboClam testing will also give us insight into the dominant constitutive
mechanisms at play during the animal’s deformation of the substrate, which
will aid in modeling robot/substrate interactions. See the