University Carlos III of Madrid
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- Offer Profile
- The Robotics Lab members are
pioneers in the European Union R&D projects in the field of robotics.
During earlier 90s several EU project were developed: Esprit II project
PANORAMA (Perception and Navigation Systems for Mobile Applications), and
Eureka projects SAMCA (Flexible shoe factory), AMR (Advanced Mobile Robot
for Public Safety) and GEO (Big Range Robotized System). In 1992 the Esprit
III project ROCCO (Robot Assembly System for Computer Integrated
Construction) was started.
Product Portfolio
- Maggie is a personal social robot built by the Robotics
Lab (University Carlos III of Madrid). It is a research platform to study
human robot interaction and robot intelligence and autonomy.
- ASIBOT is portable assistive robot for elderly and
disease people bringing more freedom in daily tasks as eating, drinking,
shaving, make up, tooth cleaning, etc. The robot is under experimentation in
the National Hospital of Paraplegics in Toledo.
UC3M Humanoid
- The full size 21 DOF humanoid robot of the University
Carlos III of Madrid is an autonomous robot able to walk by different type
of gaits in indoor and outdoor areas, and cooperates with humans and other
robots in real collaborative working environments.
- Manfred (MAN FRiEnDly mobile manipulator) is an
autonomous mobile manipulator designed to operate efficiently in
environments where human manipulation capabilities are required.
Current research topics
3D modeling
- Here we try to build models based on three-dimensional
informacion provided by a sensor system with two objectives: build a
traversable region model to navigate in complex indoor or outdoor
environments and build three-dimensional models for manipulation.
Artificial muscles
- The main goal of this research area is the development of
Electroactive Polymer (EAP) based Bio-inspired Intelligent Materials and
Assistive portable robots design
- The main goal of this research area is to design and
develop really portable assistive robotic devices able to be transported
easily by the user in his daily trip from house to office, providing the
assistance in both environments.
Automatic 3D buildings design
- The main objective of this research area is the
development of a system that automates the construction process. The system
seamlessly integrates architectural design, planning and simulation tools.
Automatic modular buildings assembly
- The main objective of this research area is to introduce
the new automation and robotics processes in the construction sector. The
aim is not only to increase productivity, but also to improve work safety
and hygiene conditions.
Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedicine and robotics are destined to find common
points and give rise to hybrid disciplines with a wide scope of results in
medicine, molecular biology and robotics itself.
Computer aided mechatronics design
- The main objective of this research area is the
development of a system that automates the service robot design process,
(non available in the market). The design will be from different points of
view: electro-mechanical, control and structural.
Control of assistive robots
- The assistance of disabled, elderly and persons with
special needs become to be one of the most important service application of
the robotic systems in the near future.
Control of mobile manipulators
- The force-torque control of mobile manipulator, and
coordinated control of the mobile base and the manipulator permits to
perform active human-mobile manipulator cooperation through intention
End user programming of social robots
- One of the main challenges faced by social robots is how
to provide intuitive, natural and enjoyable usability for the End-User. In
the human normal environment, social robots could be important tools for
education and entertainment(edutainment).
Gaits of humanoids
- The research in stable walking of humanoid robots is in
general non-solved problem. Our research deals with the implementation of
stable gait on 12 DOF Rh-0 and Rh-1 bipedal locomotion system.
Hardware architecture for humanoids
- Humanoid robot is complex system that must be carefully
designed. Development of a hardware architecture is the first step to the
integrated control system of a humanoid robot.
Humanoid head design
- This research area deals with the development of a
robotic head for the robot Rh-1. The head will be equipped with various
sensors, such as cameras, microphones etc.
Humanoid motion planning
- The humanoid robot bipedal locomotion requires
computationally advanced and efficient algorithms to solve both, the global
navigation with obstacle avoidance and the local mechanics movements
Kinematic&dynamic design of humanoids
- This research area deals with the development of a
kinematic and dynamic design of humanoids robot Rh-0 and RH-1.
Motivations and emotional control
- The main objective of this project is to design a
decision making system, based on emotions and using unsupervised learning,
for an autonomous and social robot.
Multimodal human-robot interaction
- We have developed an Autonomous Personal Robot, Maggie,
that is going to interact with the user in a Peer-To-Peer way. That implies
multimodality, personality, adaptivity, autonomy, learning ability,
cooperativeness, reactivity and proactiveness.
Remote human-robot interaction
- Remote interaction is a special type of human-robot
interaction, where the human and the robot are separated by physical
barriers but linked via telematic technologies.
Robotic hands
- Design, Development and Control of Robotic Hands with
special characteristics.
One of the most intense ambitions in robotic researches is to imitate a
human hand, due to its several possible uses and its ability to interact
with the environment.
Software architecture for humanoids
- Design and development of the software needed to control
a humanoid robot; from a friendly and easy-to-use HMI to the embedded
components to command all joints movement.
Software architectures
- In the interaction between humans and robots it is
necessary a mechanism to specify robot's task. The AD Architecture has been
developed at RoboticsLab, it is a framework to modeling a set of skills that
describe a Robot's performance.
Topological navigation
- Nowadays topological navigation is considered as the more
natural way of navigating. Topological navigation uses a topological
representation of the environment, normally by graphs. We are working in a
full topological navigation system called AURON, base
Visual human-robot interaction
- The robot needs to develop the humans communication
skills in order to allow its interaction with them. One of these human
skills is the human vision system,here we present our system called
Cognitive Emotive Visual System.
Visual tracking & servoing
- The effort that we want to improve is focuses in the
development of algorithms and techniques that allows an automatic adaptation
of visual systems to changing environments.
Robot types & applications
- The activity of the Robotics Lab in relation to Aerospace
is focused in two completely different areas: visual navigation of
autonomous satellites and simulation of some general systems of the
Eurofighter Aircraft.
Assistive Robots
- Assistive robot is one of the most promise robotic
application in near future. Since 2000, Robotics Lab developes a robot for
disable and elderly people assistant (MATS), general interactive intelligent
assistant (PRA), and general humanoid assistant.
Climbing Robots
- Research in the field of climbing robots started in 1995.
Since this date several robots had been developed: Roma 1 for inspection
steel-based structures, Roma 2 for travel along concrete, wood, etc., and
Mats robot allows moving in domestic environments.
- Humanoid robots program of the RoboticsLab started on
2001 by developing the 7 DOF bipedal robot Leroy. Since 2002 Rh-0 project,
and later Rh-1 one, had the objective of development a 21 DOF full size
Industrial Automation
- In the last few days, several collaborations have been
established in Industrial Automation field as automation of construction
processes and several task for automation industries.
Mobile Manipulators
- The objective of this research line is to develop
advanced mobile manipulators able to operate in human environments.
Mobile Robots
- Mobile Robotics is one of the most research fields of the
Robotics Lab. Our group works are focused in control architectures,
topological navigation, multimodal interaction and emotions in robotics.
Personal Robots
- Current robots are present mainly in factories. Future
robots will be also in our homes as personal companions to entertain and
help us in our daily life
Robots in Construction
- The R&D activities of the RoboticsLab in the field of
robotics & automation in construction started in earlies 90s. Several
industrial and EU projects related with automation of the pre-fab parts, and
modular building design & erection had been done.
- Hybrid NeuroProsthetic and NeuroRobotic Devices for
Functional Compensation and Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders
- Robotic Cognitive Assistant for Persons with Special
- Service robots upgrading urban standards of living (Stage
- Technofusión (the National Centre for Fusion
Technologies) in the Madrid region, is conceived as the infrastructure
required to develop the technologies needed in future commercial fusion
- Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in
robot in-hand manipulation.
Arquimedes Cth
- A new approach to social robotics
- Advanced ranged navigation system for microtunnelling
boring machines
- Systems for the detection of explosives in centers and
public infrastructures
- Coherent path planning and evolutive adaptation of tasks
in mobile manipulators
- Active co-operation between humanoid robots and humans in
collaborative working environments
- Technology Innovation in Underground Constriction
- Advanced Robotic Systems in Future Collaborative Working
- Autonomous and cooperative robots
- Service robots upgrading urban standards of living
- Industrialised, Integrated, Intelligent Construction
- Assistive robot for National Paraplegic Hospital of
- Open building manufacturing
- Multidimensional City: Intelligent tuneling
- Peer to Peer Robot-Human Interaction
- Acoplamiento y Agarre de Satélites mediante Sistemas
Robóticos basado en Visión (ASIROV)
PSA Cathedra
- Analyse d'Aspect Automatique
- Development of the humanoid robot for cooperative tasks
with humans
- Sensor-based Integration of Planning and Interaction
Control in Advanced Mobile Manipulators
- Manipulation of 3D Objects using vision based control
- Simulations of ECS, ETC and LFE systems
EU-JP Construct
- European Union - Japan R&D construction consortium
- Martian dust wiper
- International Virtual Laboratory on Mechatronics
- Integrated system of assisted mechatronic design for
oriented computer to automatic optimising of structure of service robots
- Personal Robotic Assistant
- Autonomous and intelligent humanoid robot for industrial
and service applications
- Satellite Recognition and Inspection via Relative
Autonomous Navigation
- Autonomous mobile manipulator for operation in
difficult environments(MANFRED)
- Flexible mechatronic assistive technology system to
support persons with special needs in all their living and working
- Innovative Educational Concepts for Autonomous and
Teleoperated Systems
- Topological Navigation of Mobile Robots
- Factory automation of pre-fab GRC pieces for construction
- Housing for Europe in the next century: Affordable, high
quality homes for all
- Multiple autonomous self-supported low-cost robots system
for applications in coordinated non-conventional tasks
- Mobile manipulator Otilio development
- Multifunctional self-supported climbing robot able to
travel in complex environments