The iRP is involved in several R&D projects with international research
organizations and industrial partners.
The usage of MiRPA is not limited to the field of robotics. Every time a modular, scalable, and flexible real-time system is desired, MiRPA brings in its great advantages.
The Approach of Decision Trees
Decision trees are used as basis for the approach to realize on-line
trajectory generation for N-dimensional space with arbitrary input values
(Fig. 1) and synchronization between all degrees of fredom as shown in Fig.
2. The figure illustrates a simple case for third-order on-line trajectory
generation with and without synchronization for three degrees of fredom. In
correspondence to Fig. 1 a function, which maps the 8N-dimensional space
onto 3N-dimensional space must be specified (with N = 6 for Cartesian
space). Defining this function is the major part of this reasearch work.
Once defined it would result in the classical trajectory progression with
rectangular jerks as shown in Fig. 3, which depicts the most trivial case of
a third-order trajectory.
System Overview
Fig. 2 describes the system, which has been developed in our institute. In the
first step the assembly group is specified using symbolic spatial relations
(Fig. 3). The user only has to click on the appropriate surfaces to do this.
Possible contradictions and errors produced by the user can automatically be
detected by the system.
After specification of assembly groups, assembly sequences are generated
applying the assembly-by-disassembly strategy.
After determining the assembly sequence a collision free path planner has to be
Furthermore, the assembly operations have to be transformed into appropriate
skill primitive nets. A skill primitive net consists of skill primitives
arranged in a graph, where the nodes represent the skill primitives and the
edges are annotated by entrance conditions. Each skill primitive represents one
sensor based robot motion.
With this concept, many different sensors can be used simultaneously. Currently
we have employed cameras and force torque sensors.
Planning of such processes is carried out in virtual environment, hence
displacements between real world and virtual world may occur. Theses
displacements are treated by skill primitive nets successfully. Therewith a
system for planning, evaluation, and execution of assembly tasks is provided.
The flexible and automated flow of materials, e.g. between different work cells and a computer controlled warehouse, becomes more and more important in modern factory environments. To obtain such a flexibility it is obvious to use autonomous guided vehicles (AGV). Many of the autonomous guided vehicle concepts, which are known from literature, use highly specialized on-board sensor systems to navigate in the environment. In contrast to these concepts, the flexible transport system MONAMOVE proposed by us uses only simple, low-cost on-carrier sensors in combination with a global monitoring system and a global navigation system. This combination of global monitoring and global navigation enables the carriers to navigate without any fixed predefined paths.
Even in simple situations, the selection of optimal robot paths depends on many factors (e.g. obstacle density, direction of motion, velocities). Mathematical models are thus a crucial foundation for statistical motion planning. To describe obstacle motions, two models -- differing in precision and complexity -- have been developed: Stochastic trajectories permit a precise evaluation of robot paths with respect to collision probability and expected driving time (which takes into account that the time to reach the goal also depends on the costs for non-deterministic evading maneuvers). The stochastic grid is a simpler representation, which is used in order to plan robot trajectories with minimum collision probability.
The paths generated by the statistical methods have been evaluated and compared to results obtained with a conventional planner, which minimizes the path length. Naturally, the statistically planned paths are longer as they purposely incorporate detours. In dynamic environments, however, the detours allow to significantly decrease collision probabilities and the expected driving time compared to the conventional trajectories.
Project Description
Within the scope of an cooperative research project with the Klinik und
Poliklinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde/Chirurgie of the "Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn" we are investigating methods that allow
a robotic manipulator to guide an endoscope during an endonasal operation
completely autonomously. The objective of the project is an intelligent
guidance of the endoscope that fulfils the following requirements:
Project Goals
The primary goal of this research project is the development and
evaluation of computer and robot assisted methods in order to support
this challenging surgical procedure. With the combination of image
analysis, force/torque guided robot control, and preoperative planning
and simulation, the achievable reduction accuracies should be increased.
Pose Estimation of Cylindrical Objects for a Semi-Automated
Fracture Reduction - Summary
Below we present the results of our method for computing the relative
target transformations between broken cylindrical objects in 3d space.
We first compute the positions and orientations of the axes of every
cylindrical object. This is achieved by a specially adapted Hough
transform. These axes are the most important attributes for the
segmentation of fractured bones and can also be used as an initial pose
estimation (constraining 4 of the overall 6 degrees of freedom of the
reduction problem).
After these preprocessing steps, the relative transformation between
corresponding fracture segments can be computed using well-known surface
registration algorithms. Here we are using a special 2D depth image
correlation and a variant of the ICP (Iterative Closest Point)
algorithm. A project goal is using these methods for computing the
target poses of bone fragments in order to allow for a computer assisted
semi-automated fracture reduction by means of a robot.
Fracture Reduction using a Telemanipulator with Haptical Feedback
- Summary
We developed a complex system, which allowed to use a robot as
telemanipulator for supporting the fracture reduction process. Our robot
is a standard industrial Säubli RX 90 robot. The robot is controlled by
the surgeon by means of a Joystick with haptical feedback.
Intraoperative 3D imaging of the fracture is the base information for
the surgeon during reduction. These 3D volume images are automatically
segmented by the PC resulting in highly detailed surface models of the
fracture segments (cp. the figure below), which can be used by the
surgeon to precisely move the fragments to the desired target poses. An
optical navigation system ensures that the 3D scene presented on the PC
display is always in accordance with the real surgical situation; the
virtual 3D models always move in the same way as the real bone
fragments, which are moved by the robot.
All forces and torques acting in the operation site can be measured by
means of a force/torque sensor mounted at to robots hand. These forces
are fed back to the joystick. This way, the surgeon is able to feel the
forces acting on the patient because of distracted muscles or contacts
between the fracture segments.
In a first test series, the telemanipulator system was evaluated in our
anatomy lab using broken human bones (without surrounding soft tissue).
It could be shown that reduction accuracies with mean values of about 2°
and 2mm can be achieved for simple fractures. Even for complex fractures
the achievable accuracy stays below 4°. From a clinical point of view,
these values are more than acceptable.
Furthermore, the telemanipulator system was also tested on human
cadavers; complete specimens with intact soft tissues around the broken
bone. The results have been similar to those outlined above. In addition
we could show that to telemanipulated reductions achieve significantly
higher reduction accuracies than manual reductions, which have been
performed by an experienced surgeon on the same fractures.
The presented form of visualization and interaction with a
telemanipulator system for fracture reduction in the femur turned out to
be efficient and intuitive. All test persons have been able to perform
reliable reductions with high reduction accuracies after only a short
time of learning. These results clearly show the potential of robotized
fracture reduction, which will ensure high quality outcomes of such
operations in the future.
Using fish-eye cameras have the advantage of mapping the whole room onto just one image. A single pinhole-like or pan-tilt-zoom camera can only map a part of the room.
To detect falls at night we are integrating active approaches. Infra-red lights are mounted at different locations in the room, preferred at the ceiling. The shadow information is used to distinguish between a standing and a lying person. As can be seen in the following figures the shadow of a standing person is much bigger than the one of a lying person.
Till now we just consider fall detection, but of course fall prevention is another challenging task. Changes of the gait can be due to diseases and can result in a fall. Visual fall prevention allows the detection of these changes and e.g. the notification of the general practitioner.
This work has been supported by the Deutsche Telekom which is kindly acknowledged
In many of our approaches for vehicle detection we use a top-down-view that
is generated by projecting the camera pixels via Inverse Perspective Mapping
(IPM) onto the street as can be seen in the image below and in the
corresponding video. In this view we are looking down onto the street plane
at right angle. Thus, no perspective mapping has to be considered for the
distance calculation of two arbitrary points of the street plane, which
simplifies processing of many algorithms.
One of our approaches uses this top-down-view to generate a street texture
that describes the expected appearance of the street. In the figure below (a
video is also available) you can see the generated street texture in the
right column and the source images in the left column. The top row shows the
view as seen from the camera and the bottom row shows the corresponding
top-down-view. Source image and street reference texture are compared in
order to detect approaching vehicles indicated in the figure below and in
the video with a green line.
As we only have one camera at each side, we can not use stereo vision to
gather 3D information. But because the car is moving, we can use
structure from motion. This technique uses two views of a scene from
different viewing angles to triangulate points in the 3D world and
calculate their exact position. The result is a 3D scatter diagram of
the passed area.
An example for such a scatter diagram can be seen below (image: 3D
Scatter diagram). Every point in this diagram represents a real 3D
point. Points at the street level are colored red, obstacles (= points
above the street level) are displayed in black. If every 3D point is
projected on its corresponding point in the ground plane, a top down
view is created which shows the whole scene as seen from above. Now
patterns become visible which can clearly be identified. Cars, for
example, build a pattern shaped like the letter "U". If some of these
can be found in the top down view, the positions of cars are clearly
recognized. Free parking spots are now detected by searching for free
space between these cars. For an illustration of the process, see the
following image. Recognized cars are highlighted in red, free space is
marked green (image: Topdown view of the scene). If a parking space is
found, the automated parking process can be initiated.
Experimental vehicle: Paul
The current experimental vehicle Paul (German: "Parkt allein und lenkt")
uses our vision-based parking spot detection. Paul was presented at the
Hannover fair 2008 and demonstrates Volkswagen's Park Assist Vision
The aim of the Collaborative Research Center 562 is
the evolution of methodical and component related fundamentals for the
development of robotic systems based on closed kinematic chains in order to
improve the promising potential of these robots, particularly with regard to
high operating speeds, accelerations, and accuracy.
To reduce the sequence time for handling and assembly applications the most
essential goal is to improve operating speeds and accelerations in the
working space for given process accuracy. By using conventional serial robot
systems these increasing requirements end in a vicious circle. Under these
circumstances the request of new robotic systems based on parallel
structures is of major importance.Owing to their framework construction by
rod elements, which are poor in mass, parallel structures offer an ideal
platform for an active vibration reduction. The integration of these
adaptronic components with special adaptive control elements is a promising
effective way to make robots both, more accurate and faster and consequently
more productive.
The basic topics in the Collaborative Reserach Center 562 are:
participating "institutes":