Navigation : EXPO21XX > AUTOMATION 21XX > H05: Universities and Research in Robotics > St. George's School of Montreal
St. George's School of Montreal
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  • Offer Profile
  • Robotics at St. George’s is about cooperation and learning to build, in a safe environment. We have had a competition within our school of a game of soccer played with robots. 10 teams worked from September to January 18 on a robot that could carry a driver and kick the ball without the driver touching it.
Product Portfolio
  • The Robot

  • In my robot, there are 2 drill motors controlling its drive. The top of the drill motors is where batteries connect to the machine. The wires coming out from the battery and the motor connect to the boards. It also has two winch motors connected by cables to a shovel for picking up cubes. The frame is from an old CRC Robot but is built well from aluminum. The front wheels are straight wheels which help the robot go up the ramp strait and not fall off. The claw on the side picks up and drops the flags on pedestals. It moves with two vex motors in two fashions. One it swings up and down like a wrist on a small radius and it opens and closes to trap the flags
  • The St. Georges Robotics Team

  • Unique best describes St. Georges School of Montreal. In 1930 a remarkable group of parents established more than a co-educational, non-denominational institution, it created a community where “Learning should be natural and activity based”. This philosophy prevails today at both the Elementary and High Schools. The belief in a “Child Centered Approach” to education allows every student to develop their personal potential, academically, creatively and socially.

    Learning by Doing” is at the heart of all activities at St. George’s School. Whether far away such as the Honduras Marine Biology Trip, or in New York to view the latest art exhibits and Broadway shows, or more local adventures such as The Math Trail in the Old Port of Montreal, there is no doubt that at St. George’s School the classroom extends beyond a textbook and lesson plan. Sports, the performing arts, science competitions, debating, community service, and other leadership activities are part of a wide range of pursuits that provide the opportunity to each young person to develop as responsible citizens, with the ability to express themselves, and contribute to society as a whole.

    St. George’s challenges each student to excel; this goal is achieved within a caring environment. It is an exceptional place where students like to come to school and where teachers enjoy teaching!