For huge stock volumes of same line items that are to be accommodated in a minimum of space, is drive-in racking often the choice. This was the reason why BITO-Lagertechnik has made further improvements on their drive-in racking system to increase the degree of cube utilisation and thus storage quantities. Drive-in racking is ideal for pressure-sensitive goods and unstable pallet loads.
Photo by BITO Lagertechnik
Drive-in racking combines the advantages of block storage with rack storage : operators benefit from high density storage while making full use of the available warehouse height and avoiding damage to pressure-sensitive goods. Bolted pallet seats and a new modular design allow to safely stock pallets of various types and even pallets with overhanging loads within the same racking installation. This provides a high degree of flexibility to the operator and brings space utilisation to an unrivalled level of 90%. In addition to this, the storage specialist BITO-Lagertechnik also made adjustments to their safety equipment. As a result, BITO drivein racking is the optimum solution for high density storage of fragile goods and unstable
Drive-in racking is the ideal storage system for goods that do not need to be retrieved in a specific sequence. Loading and retrieval is done from one side only (LIFO-principle) with fork lift trucks that drive into the racking lanes.
BITO-Lagertechnik Bittmann GmbH
BITO-Lagertechnik, headquartered at Meisenheim, Germany, specialises in storage equipment and order picking systems. The product portfolio includes shelving and racking for static and dynamic systems, plastic bins and containers, workshop equipment as well as accessories for use in any industry. BITO customers can choose from a wide range of innovative products designed and manufactured in-house and order customised project solutions. The BITO service portfolio features reliable information based on in depth expertise, free no obligation visits on-site, competent technical support from concept to completion and last but not least motivated and friendly staff. The medium-sized, family owned company operates two production plants in Germany and, run by a German-Indian joint venture, one production plant in India. BITO has 15 subsidiaries in Europe, 1 subsidiary in Dubai and many sales offices around the world. With a staff of 750, the group achieved a turnover of 155 million EUR in 2011.