psb vario.sprinter shuttle solution
Photo by psb intralogistics GmbH
In mid-May, CeMAT will again be the international meeting point of intralogistics. For psb, the trade fair in Hanover, Germany, is the ideal platform to present its wide-ranging know-how to an international expert audience.
The live-presentation of the latest generation of vario.sprinter shuttles, operated in a storage aisle with nine levels, will be one of the highlights on the psb stand in hall 27. A four-deep storage of totes, trays and cartons of the most different dimensions is achievable, thanks to the broad range of applications. This shuttle system is the best available solution for high operational throughput,as it is required in e-commerce (just to mention one example).
The logical addition to this technology is the high-performance order picking system rotapick. In several multimedia case study presentations, psb will outline the great assets of this solution: picking rates of more than 1000 items per hour, direct pick & pack, buffering of 60 source or target totes, and sequential order picking.
The runloader AS/RS stacker crane system – also shown in live operation – underlines psb’s market leadership in fully-automated high bay warehouses for hanging articles:in multi-deep storage, garments and other items can be stored highly efficient, and provided for the further distribution process needs.
The dynamic presentation of the AS/RS stacker crane system for hanging garments is complemented by a multimedia overview of psb’s comprehensive expertise in the sector of overhead transport technology, including different overhead conveyor systems, and individual overhead systems functionalities.
Another exhibit on the stand will be the new generation of psb carobot AGVs with laser contour navigation. The vehicle operates with the data of the personnel safety scanners, so that the environment directly serves for positioning; thus, no reflectors are needed along the route.
Last but not least, psb will dedicate a separate area for its software competence. From simulation and emulation, PLC and MFC level, to Warehouse Management (WMS) and SCADA – psb offers the appropriate software package for each electro-mechanical project solution. The expert visitors can inform themselves about the current state of SCADA visualization systems. psb software engineers will explain the multitude of applications of the psb selektron family with illustrative examples.
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