The MS5547 are digital OEM sensors that measure the relative pressure with 24bit resolution. This new generation of high-resolution gauge pressure sensors features a SPI or I²C bus interface.
The reflowable sensors are designed for the pressure range of -200 – 2200 mbar and are media-protected with a silicone gel coating. In addition to the pressure, they measure the temperature from -40 to +85 °C. The MS5547 pressure sensors consist of a piezoresistive pressure cell and an amplifier A/D-interface-IC, housed in a ceramic-plastic package (4 x 4 x 4.43 mm³). A layer of silicon gel protects the electronics inside a plastic ring which keeps the o-ring for sealing in place.
The sensor converts the measured pressure- and temperature-dependent signal of the measuring cell into a 24-bit data word. In addition, 11 individual coefficients are stored in the sensor, which allow the highly accurate software correction for the pressure and temperature measurement by an external microprocessor. The sensor can communicate with the microprocessor via I²C or SPI.
Up to now there´s only one type available:
MS5547-02BD: -200 .. +2200 mbar
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