Lower Saxony’s Minister for Economy, Transport, Construction, and Digitalization, Olaf Lies, visited the founding location of the globally operating company Hartmann Valves in Burgdorf-Ehlershausen in mid-January. The focus of the meeting was the exchange on challenges and opportunities arising in the context of the energy transition.
Central topics in the discussion between Minister Lies and Hartmann Valves included the conversion and construction of cavern storage for hydrogen, deep geothermal projects, and challenges in the service industry. As a system provider of ball valves and wellheads, the company plays a crucial role, supplying storage technology and deep geothermal solutions.
The storage of hydrogen in caverns will play a significant role in making renewable energies dispatchable in the future. Lower Saxony, as an energy region, is on the right path to secure energy supply with existing cavern storage and initial pilot projects for hydrogen storage. Given the necessity for the construction of additional caverns for hydrogen storage, Hartmann Valves can provide reliable equipment for underground storage, supporting the region as a knowledgeable local company. The collaboration between politics and business is crucial to creating the conditions for expansion and new job opportunities.
The meeting between Minister Olaf Lies and Hartmann Valves underscores the importance of exchange and collaboration in setting the course for a sustainable and future-oriented energy supply together.
For more information, please visit: https://www.hartmann-valves.com/news/