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Heimann Sensor expands its HTPA 32x32d family with the new L1.7 model

Photo by Heimann Sensor GmbH

Intrusion Detection, the automated sensing of a person or animal into a surveilled area, is one of the main applications of low-resolution thermopile arrays like Heimann Sensor’s 32×32 array. It is used for safety and security as well as for making life easier and more comfortable. Examples are smart buildings with functions like smart HVAC control and smart lighting for energy savings. The same system can be used as a security alarm. Other functions include wellness checks of invalids and older people living alone, fire prevention and elevated body temperature detection. The advantages of low-resolution thermopile arrays for these applications are: no privacy issues, independent illumination (day/night), not affected by smoke in case of fire or while cooking, detection of stationary people while sitting or sleeping and low-cost.

Heimann Sensor is consistently working on expanding the technology for infrared thermal imaging solutions. In many applications customers seek a very wide field of view. So it developed a new optics, L1.7 for its HTPA 32x32d family, that offers a specifically wide field of view of up to 120 degrees. This option is a perfect cost-effective solution for person detection, room surveillance, smart home solutions as well as AAL systems.

For more information, please visit https://www.heimannsensor.com.