Edmund Optics®, a leading provider of optical components for ultrafast laser optics applications, has partnered with laser manufacturer Chromacity to release a new line of ultrafast laser systems. Chromacity’s ultrafast laser systems coupled with Edmund Optics’ ultrafast laser optics products provides easy access for customers looking for a one-stop shop to source all their ultrafast laser needs. This partnership introduces the Chromacity 1040 High Power, 1040nm, 4W Free Space Ultrafast Laser to Edmund Optics’ extensive catalog offerings. These lasers feature a stable, high power ultrafast beam in a compact and easy-to-setup system. They are ideal for a variety of applications including multi-photon microscopy, spectroscopy research, and a wide range of other imaging and life sciences applications.
Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers are currently available in 1040nm wavelength, with additional wavelengths soon to be added. They maintain a stable <150 femtosecond (fs) pulse with either a 2W or 4W output power and feature an air cooled, energy efficient design. Additionally, they feature a superior mode quality, M2 of <1.2. A compact fiber-based architecture is utilized to reduce the likelihood of misalignment and ensure ease of setup. Many imaging and life science applications benefit from these laser systems over a traditional Ti:Sapphire laser as the 1040nm Chromacity laser’s longer wavelengths allow for greater penetration depth of samples and detection of multiple fluorescent markers. For further assistance, a free video call with a certified Chromacity laser engineer is included with the purchase of any laser system.
For more information, please visit http://www.edmundoptics.com.